chapter twelve : beachboy

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cw : underage drinking, mention of drugs, mention of child fiddlers, normal character death aot stuff

                                            **•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚   ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

"what up, sluts?"

"blake, you have been blessed with an education - act like it,"

the boy ignored the comment from dixie on the couch, continuing.

"i have a new cane,"

he then proceeded to flaunt through the room, trench coat flowing behind him, head held high.

he slammed the cane down on the wooden floor, canting his hip outwards and posing, "daaaaarling,"

blake drawled out the word in a poised accent, lip turning up, mocking.

the display caused kuchel and therese, who were sitting on the kitchen counter, to giggle at the boys antics.

"oi!" dixie's yell from the couch made the boy whip around, smirk dropping from his face.

"why did i see you talkin' to daniel rossworth the other day?"

blake stuttered at the accusation, "i was gettin' alcohol to provide for the family, as the man of the house," he explained, waving his hand out to gesture at his surroundings.

"do you not know wha' he did?"

the boy sucked in a breath before replying, "well, every family has a bad apple-'

"yeah, but not a fucking pedophile, for christ's sake," jesse cut him off as he walked into the room, juniper trailing behind him, "if my sister started fiddling little kids - i would have something to say on the matter, like, you know," the red head paused, "fuck off?"

the door swung open, eli heaving himself through the door, "fuckin' cavalries arrived in the market," he complained, throwing the market bags on the table with a bang and sighing, "who needs their shoppin' at nine in the fuckin' morning'?"

eli spun around leaned against the table, sudden smirk overtaking his face, crooked teeth on show, "also, i am now not doin' the food run, as the military police are lookin' for the nine year old drug trafficker that gave them the slip last week,"

"nine, and already a convicted drug trafficker," blake started, walking towards the boy using his new cane before taking eli's face in his hands, "tell you what, i could not be prouder,"

"an' on that note," kuchel cut in, jumping in from her perch still on the kitchen counter, "how on earth did you get arrested? just fuckin' walk away,"

eli turned to her and gave the girl his most sarcastic tone and smile he could muster, "thanks for tha', chel, ill remember tha' next time i'm cornered in an alley with two pounds of meth in my hand,"

kuchel replied with a smile, "anytime!"

eli snarled his nose at her mocking, walking up to her and getting in her face, "you know what, fuck you. fight in the pit at five, to the death, 1v1,"

"sure, bu' i have to be home by eight, i have a bedtime,"

before eli could lunge any further at the grinning girl, blake caught him by the waist and hauled him back.

"no killin' each other before ten, we've discussed this," blake reprimanded, scolding tone.

"ANYWAY!" dixie's shout from the couch as she stood up caused the room to go into silence, all waiting for what the girl had to say, "how's dad?" she turned to jesse, awaiting an answer.

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