chapter eight : duvet

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cw : mention of character death

                                            **•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚   ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

kuchel staggered about the home, searching behind corners for signs of life.

when she entered the main room, she heard grunting and saw isabel trying to do sit-ups.

kuchel giggled quietly at the girl's pained expression and crept over to settle at her feet before a childlike glint in her eyes appeared and she smiled wildly.

she leaped upon Isabel's feet, throwing her small body across them, startling the redhead.

isabel jumped up, peering at the sudden weight on her bare feet and saw the little girl, plastered with a cheeky grin.

isabel laid back down, swiftly pretending to get back to her sit-ups, before sweeping her feet up and drawing the little one up with them.

kuchel squeaked at the swift motion before failing into someone's arms.

she instantly spun around to see isabel, beaming down at her with a broad smile.

kuchel, delighted, squirmed around in her arms yelping, "again!"

that's what levi and furlan wandered into. his child, gleefully cheering as she was hurled up into the air and into isabel's scarred arms.

"what is this?"

isabel stiffened at the icy voice at the door, kuchel's laughing in her arms abruptly halting at her fearful expression.

she shouted with joy when she turned to face the door.


levi couldn't help but smile as he heard the girl yell.

furlan remained by the door, watching the man walk up to the pair on the wood floor and lean down to pick up the five-year-old.

he groaned playfully as he hauled her up, making kuchel giggle before glancing down at isabel, lips narrowing.

"you're on laundry duty for the rest of the week,"


levi ignored her complaints and headed to kuchel's newly shared room with isabel.

when the small girl realised where they were going, her contented smile vanished and she wrestled in her father's arms, letting her displeasure be known.

"no, no, nooooo, 'm not tired," she whined, eventually settling with thunking her head down on her fathers shoulder.

levi grinned, settled with the fact that the other two couldn't see it, and walked into the girls' room.

"yes, yes, yeeeeees," he teased in a sweet voice, nuzzling at the kuchel's forehead, making the girl pout.

he shut the door behind the two and walked over to the small cot in the corner of the room, setting her down and pulling the covers over her.

"now, you be good for me and go to sleep, okay?"

kuchel stuck her tongue out at him and rolled over in a huff.

levi chuckled at the petulant child he managed to raise and leaned over from his kneel, kissing the side of the girls head before standing up and walking towards the door.

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