6. Proven

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Ray sips on a can of Dr. Pepper, peacefully leaning on one of his swords

"RAY, HEY, GUESS WHAT?" Sam bursts the stone door open, shoving her card in his face

Ray throws his head to the side and splatters it all out of his mouth with extremely widened eyes, starting to cough harshly

"I'M LEVEL 10, TOO, JUST LIKE YOU" Sam cheers, giddily hopping up and down with a bright smile, holding the card close to her chest now

"That-COUGH, COUGH-hold-COUGH-on-cough, cough-COUGH-f#ck, that's-cough-that's-mmmn-great" Ray bends over, holding his knees for support

"So, what's the-" Sam draws her gaze away from Ray...staring at the enormous herd of horses with a centauress at the head of the pack (She's got a shirt on, calm down, you horny...person-and a bra, a black bra, so stop thinking about a shirtless centauress)

"Hooooooooh, fu-hA cough cough, cough-I'm fine, I'm just-COUGH-f#cking dying unironically" Ray lets out a heavy groan, rubbing his neck

"So...many...horses..." Sam's eyes glisten, staring with her jaw dropped to her toes at the variety of horses

Nera watches in the same amount of awe, mimicking pac-man, but more like the less-than sign

Neigh Sayer comes out of the stone shack and stares at the horde...then starts eating grass

"Oh, master, may I get you some water? Shall milk suff-" The centauress starts approaching Ray, finicking with her free, golden hair

"For the love of god, don't make this weird, you want-cough-wanted to leave that place, I let you live, I'd appreciate it if you helped tend the little horse stable thing, but you don't have to...also please don't f#cking moan if I ride you-NOT in a sexual way" Ray immediately shuts her down, putting the sword in one of his sheaths

"Oooooh, the dominance...oh, my, yes-YES, I SHALL" The centauress howls

"Sam-do you know how to ride a horse?" Ray sighs, turning back to Sam

"Which...one?" Sam doesn't make eye contact, in a sort of trance with the sheer amount of horses she sees

"Neighs, him, I've got Malissa, let's head back to Anzen" Ray orders, glancing over at the centauress

"Oh, okay-yeah-yeah" Sam rapidly nods

"Dear f#ck...alright, don't you dare f#cking moan" Ray grits his teeth, hopping up on Malissa's back

"MmmmmMMMMmmm..." Malissa's eyes roll in the back of her head

Sam stares at the herd for a few more moments, suddenly snapping out of it by shaking her head and hopping on Neigh Sayer's back

"On your go," Ray nods, "Just have to flick them and kick his stomach kinda hard, pretty easy" Ray mimics the string-whipping motion

"Treat me like your little hor....se.....master" Malissa bites her pinkie nail

"Alright, alright-giddyup!" Sam flicks the strings, kicking her feet

Neigh Sayer rushes off

Malissa runs alongside Neigh Sayer as the herd follows them

"WHOA-IT'S LIKE RIDING A DRAGON" Sam laughs with an open smile

"You've ridden a dragon?" Ray raises an eyebrow

"Yeah, his name was Seth, pretty cool" Sam giggles

"That...what was it...RIGHT-the world-ending dragon?" Ray confirms, glancing at Sam

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