11. Plan Time

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Sam sits on the edge of her bed

(I should mention, time-skip, they had drinks, both spat them out right after, then went to the inn, Sam got a room to herself because Ray didn't want to intrude on her space...that should be everything, of course, Bastion was happy Ray didn't intrude, cool? Cool)

She grunts as she gets up, taking her backpack off and putting it by her bed

Sam starts taking off anything unnecessary, like her belt, the cloak, her shoes and socks, etc.

Nera decides to make her bed on Sam's backpack

Sam falls into her bed, surrounding herself in pillows like little walls before she actually tries getting comfortable

She spreads out a thin sheet as a blanket, rolling herself up like a burrito

And she quickly drifts off to sleep with a smile on her face...

Okay, the next day-wait, nevermind

She has this incredibly realistic dream, yet...it's so weird and blurry. Sam sees these-...or not...maybe she can explain it better when she wakes up than I can right now, I may be omniscient, but it's still hard for me to tell what goes on all the time

NOW the next day

Sam slowly wakes up...her small pillow walls are completely screwed up

"Ugh...Mmn..." She rubs her forehead, then stares at the ceiling, slowly starting to close her eyes again

Before they can shut, Nera's squawk flutters her eyes back open

"Mngh...urple..." Sam reaches out to the ceiling, still rubbing her eyes

She positions herself to get even more comfortable

Her eyes begin to block out her surroundings as they encompass her eyes in a blackness...

Sam's hand begins to droop down to her hip

...The fan in her room blows its soothing white n-

Nera squawks in Sam's ear

"AHH" Sam squeaks as she kicks the sheets off her legs, twisting her torso toward Nera while throwing a pillow across the room

Nera cackles as she maneuvers her way back to the nightshade where it looks like she was sleeping the whole night

"I'm up...I'm up..." Sam yawns, beginning to push herself to sit upright

Nera watches her

And these dreams suddenly bombard Sam's memory all at once

"Mmmhhmmm" She leans her head on the bed's metal headboard, staring blankly at the floating tv across from her

Nera squawks one more time

"I'm awake-huh?" Sam rubs her eyes, then glances up at the ceiling. "...Was...was Ray in here last night?" She furrows her brows until a look of shock washes over her face

Sam quickly gets off the bed, still a little hazy, then crouches down and slides her hand under the bed's frame

"...I guess...it was just...a-ahhhwn-dream" She drags herself off the bed, rubbing her forehead

Sam starts putting her equipment back on, then swings the backpack back over her shoulder, topping her look off with Nera jumping on her shoulder

She rubs her eyes as she walks out of her room, ending up in the lobby on the ground floor of the Inn

Sam skims around as she starts leaving the Inn 

"Miss? If you're leaving, I'll need your key back" The receptionist waves at her

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