19. On Her Hands

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Watt struts into the team room with a wagon

"Hey, Wyatt!" Sam waves, beaming

"My name is Watt" It deeply sighs

"Yeah, Wy-att" Sam nods, digging the dirt out of her nails

"No, just Wa-ht, Watt" Watt groans, pulling the wagon beside the counter in the room

"Huh? What do you mean what, Wyatt?" Sam leans back in her chair

"W-a-t-t, Watt, not Whyat" Watt enunciates

"You have two t's?" Lin looks up from his Vogue magazine, furrowing his brows to peer at Watt

Watt creaks its head to Lin

He sighs, "Did either of you get fanmail?" Watt gestures to the wagon

"HOLY CRAP THAT'S YOUR MAIL? I JUST GOT A BUCKET" Sam's eyes blast awake, popping her gaze between the wagon and Watt

"They are a bunch of death threats" Lin flicks his wrist

"...Yes, most likely" Watt re-examines the wagon

"Mmmhm" Lin kicks his feet on the table, going back to reading his Vogue magazine

"What was inside of yours?" Watt gazes at Lin, crossing its arms

"I could not care to look" Lin turns the page, not making eye-contact

"Yours?" Watt turns his attention to Sam

"Lots of letters and flowers, someone also gave me a ring" Sam smiles, wiggling her fingers

"...Sam" Lin rubbernecks blankly at the page

"Hm?" Sam furrows her brows, sucking her lips in

"Did you just marry some random guy?" Lin sighs, staring at her with an unamused expression

"No-nononono, it's-it's a gift from Ray, he even said in-in-in the letter he didn't want to marry me" Sam thrusts her hand into her pocket, scrounging around for the index card

"Oh, the one who killed a golem?" Lin confirms, pulling his magazine down

"Yeah-here" Sam pulls the card out of her pocket, sliding it to Lin

"I believe you" Lin forces a laugh, sliding the note through all the crumpled letters on the table

"Okay..." Sam has to dedicate a few minutes to picking the card off the table

"...There is something I would wish to remind everyone of, once Diantha returns" Watt clicks the gears in his knuckles

"I think I know what you shall talk about" Lin peers back to his magazine

"What?" Sam furrows her brows

"We must fight each other tomorrow" Lin sighs

"But...we don't have to" Sam shakes her head

"Yes, we do, during that match, nobody can survive or else" Watt stares at Sam

"Or else what? The world caves in on itself?" Sam furrows her brows 

"Nobody gets the money, the reason everybody wanted to be in the tournament" Lin shakes his head, clenching a fist, then reopening it

"...But why can't we just give up during the match?" Sam questions

"Part of the rules" Lin shrugs

Sam bites her lip, staring at the table

Diantha hobbles into the team room, grunting

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