29. Looser Ends

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Buckle your seatbelts because we're in the endgame now, this is gonna be a long one.

Sam walks out of the weapon's store with an intricate purple sword with a sharpened handle, one end of the cross-guard spiking up, the other hooking down, and curved spikes off the back of its thick blade

"...Well, I'm gonna head off to try and get an ap-aaahhhhrrr-tment" Chys yawns, stretching his arms above his head

Sam yawns with closed eyes

"Hey, Sam, what level are you?" Ray glances at Sam with curiosity

"47...I think" Sam strokes her chin

"But what about after fighting Diligence?" Ray questions, gesturing at her pocket

Chrys excludes himself from the conversation, walking off

"OH" Sam races to reach for the card in her pocket

Ray taps on his elbow, raising an eyebrow

Sam squeaks gleefully, dropping her jaw once she meets her card again

"What's up?" Ray nods upward

"LEVEL 52, BAY-BAY" Sam throws her fist in the air

"YEAAAAHHHHH, NEW CLASS TIME" Ray congratulates, holding his hand up to the sky

Sam stares up to his hand, squatting down, and readying herself

She takes a sudden jump, barely slapping her hand against the bottom of his palm

"YEAH" Sam shouts, absolutely beaming

"Obviously you'd wanna get it tonight, right?" Ray grins, motioning her to follow him 

"Mhm!" Sam violently nods, walking on Ray's 5 'o clock (his side, but mot quite)

"So, what class are you thinking about?" Ray peers down to Sam, chuckling

"...I don't know what there is" Sam shakes her head

"We've got Zookeepers, Hell Knights, Gamblers, and the one you'll probably choose, Extremists" Ray names off, pointing up a finger for each one he names

"Can I guess what each one does?" Sam requests

"Oh, sure, go for it" Ray chortles, putting his hands in his pockets

"Zookeepers...do they summon animals?" Sam tilts her head

"Close, really close, actually" Ray pinches his fingers together

"Huhhhhh...tame animals, then?" Sam guesses, stroking her chin

"YEAH, DING, DING, DING, but...what's their restriction-or...what is the only weapon they can use?" Ray closes one of his eyes, pointing at Sam with a raised eyebrow

"...Uh...gun?" Sam mutters

"I doubt you'll get this one because of how stupid it is" Ray shakes his head with a sigh

"...Bow and arrow?" Sam grimaces, pulling her neck back

"Wood staffs, but they aren't restricted to magic, their big abilities are being able to fuse with animals and gain their abilities and camouflage" Ray elaborates, gesturing around

"Ohhhh, huh" Sam stares up at Ray

"Now, what about Hell Knights? I feel like you know a little bit about them because you fought one, but what do you think you know?" Ray furrows his brows, gazing down at Sam

"Oh, uh...they...have...what was it? A...uh...another person demon thing behind them" Sam rubs her forehead, gesturing behind herself

"A familiar?" Ray reminds

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