28. Back Together

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"Sam, hey, you okay?"
"I can't believe I didn't think to text you, did your phone break?"
"Please tell me it didn't"
". '/"

"Ray I'm fine" Sam texts, laughing to herself

"OH THANK GOD" Ray replies in caps

"I thought you u believed in yourself?" Sam questions

"Look, I was worried, okay? It's better to preach to the choir than bite your tongue, okay?" Ray...is that a lesson in philosophy?

"Who is it?" Calli wonders, gesturing to Sam

"Oh, it's just Ray" Sam nods, smiling

"Where are you-just-are you okay?" Ray has the time to type in hyphens

"I already said I'm fine you don't need to worry so much" Sam shakes her head with a sigh

"Yeah...well, are you in Anzen? I'm right outside the wall" Ray reveals

"Hey, where are we?" Sam pokes her head up from her phone

"Huitzterca" Lin raises his hand slightly

"...How do you spell that?" Sam furrows her brows, gazing back down to her phone

"...Uh..." Lin skims the area

"H-u-i-t-z-t-e-r-c-a, hwits-tare-ca" Calli spells it out, bouncing her finger off each imaginary word

"That's how you spell it? I thought it was like...well, actually, that makes a lot more sense, judging that this place worships Huitz-bo do bo ka bo quel" Chrys uncaringly waves his hand, spreading out into the walkway as much as he can

"Huitzterca, in a restaurant" Sam explains, texting back to Ray

Ray doesn't respond for a hot minute

Sam patiently waits, still bouncing her foot to the light music

"Be there in a sex" Ray finally replies

"Huh" Sam furrows her brows

"SEC, a sex, be there soon" Ray corrects himself...partially

"Ohhhhh, is Anzen close to here?" Sam questions

"Nope, love ya, cya" Ray ends off

"See ya soon" Sam smiles as she replies

"Oh waaaait, are you and Ray...close?" Chrys furrows his brows, gesturing to Sam

"We're...hm...I think so...I hope so, at least" Sam nods violently, sliding her phone into her pocket

"Wow, hoh...hold on" Calli jerks forward, rubbing her forehead

"Are you okay?" Lin cocks his head to Calli, trying to figure out what he should do with his hands

"Just...I'm fine" Calli winces, gritting her teeth

"I'll run over to the drug store and get some painkillers, that good?" Chrys offers, readying himself to leave

Brisk steps approach their table from the left

"No...I'm...alright..." Calli shakes her head, having to close her eyes

Chrys gets out of the booth and starts to walk away

"HEY, SAM, THAT YOU?" Ray waves his arm, heading toward Sam's table

Chrys cocks his head to Ray

"Huh-Ray?" Sam glances over her shoulder

"It's...better now" Call drops her hand, taking deep breaths

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