17. Fight for Life

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The team struts out of the gate

Sam gazes around like a child in a toy story, a shimmer in her eye

"HAVE YOU ALL BEEN ENJOYING THE SHOW SO FAR?" One of the announcers spins on her tippy toes in the middle of the enormous, muddy battlefield

The crowd roars, some people whistling as loud as possible

In Sam's awe, she doesn't look where she's going and bumps into Lin

She gasps, backing away, "Sorry, sorry" Sam whispers

"I see one of us is still basking in the limelight, huh?" The male announces finger guns her

Sam stares wide-eyed at the ground, biting her lip

"Let's just fight, already" Lin crosses his arms


Lin scoffs

Way over on the other side, another gate starts to blossom open, revealing a heavily armored orc with an axe and three average guys that look like pirates, but drunker...and higher

"YOU MIGHT AS WELL TAKE YOUR P!SS BREAKS AND GET A SNACK BECAUSE I DON'T THINK WE CAN BEAT THE FIRST THREE ROUNDS OF THE NIGHT, besides, between you and me, this isn't gonna be a good match" The male announcer leans toward one of the many flying drones with cameras strapped to them

"Okay...here we go" Watt's eye sparks, turning red

Its body bulks up harshly, growing massive cannons on its arms and spikier legs

Sam peers at Watt with her eyes blasted open

The announcers disappear

"FIGHT YOUR HEARTS OUT, BABIES" The woman's voice shouts

Jin dashes to the orc in seconds, rapidly slashing at its armor

Watt stomps its way to one of the pirates

Diantha whips out her pistols, shooting rapidly at another pirate

Sam takes a deep breath right before she rushes to the last pirate, gripping both of her regular swords

Her pirate goes for a snake-lunge-speed stab

Sam barely blocks the blow, swinging a sword at him

The pirate dodges backward, tossing another dagger at her

Sam feels the air blast past her ear, but continues her onslaught, going for another swing

The pirate trips on his own foot, ending up with his back to the ground

Sam jumps on top of his chest, stabbing one of her swords right...beside his head

"Yield" She squints, her tone darkened

The pirate's eyes widen

Sam hovers her other sword inches above his neck, "YIELD" She repeats

"OKAY-OKAY, I'LL-I'M DONE, I'M OUT" The pirate shakes his hands

Sam slowly raises up, all the weapons strapped on slow her

She rips the other sword out of the ground, shoving it back into her scabbard

All three of them have already been done

The pirate stares wide-eyed at his fallen comrades

"...WELL SH!T, ALRIGHT, FIRST GIVE IN OF THE NIGHT" The male announcer calls out

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