9. Grave Rockers

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About five more minutes of trotting through the swap-like forest pass...until they finally end up at this small, treeless area. A spiffy shack has steps with large gaps between each step leading up to the painted green door. The circular window that would meet at about eye-level to a normal person standing in front of it has a deep, three-pronged scratch mark gliding across the glass and digging into the wood

The triangular roof of the shack looks mostly made from hay. Black rags droop down from the edges of the roof

Everybody stares at the hut...almost unable to look away

"...Sam, you...you okay?" Roxxane is the first to break her gaze away from the hypnotic hut to peer down at Sam

"I...okay...okay..." Sam takes deep breaths and puts her hands together to pray, "...please let this work...gods, anyone...please...Thanatos, Anubis, Freyja...just anyone listening" She quickly nods, dropping her hands

"OSI, ARE YOU HERE?" Malissa waves her arm wildly

"HOLD-WAIT-JUST-WAIT" A creaky yet deep male's voice calls out from inside the hut

Sam's heart can already be heard trying to break its way out of her chest as she starts biting the skin off her lips

"None-none of you have seen a-a-a-a ginger cat anywhere-have-have you?" A man-what in god's name is he wearing? It's like an Egyptian king's crown with a small bit of colored hair on his head that looks like a lit candle, not to mention all of the black face paint trying to hide the harsh bags under his eyes. Don't even get me started on his clothes, he's got a black robe with blue stripes along the droopy sleeves...I also forgot to mention his curly beard that splits off into three swirls at the bottom

"Are you a human?" Valk crosses her arms

"What the f-" Roxxane sighs, facepalming

"Yes-ye-y-yes I am, but have y-you s-s-seen a cat?" The incredibly "flashy" man repeats

"OH F#CK-I DIDN'T MEAN TO SAY THAT" Valk covers her mouth with both hands

"None of us have seen Greta, no" Malissa shakes her head

"Ah...well...what-what-what can I help you all wi-with-with?" The man wonders as he clutches onto the doorframe

"One of my friends wishes to speak to the dead" Malissa gestures her hands toward Sam

"...So, you're-you're Osi? Right? Yeah?" Sam stares at him in awe

"Yes...how long has this-this-this-this person been dead?" Osi's cadence begins to slow

"Fifteen years and four months ago...technically 3 months and 21 days...so just 4 months" Sam elaborates

Roxxane scratches the veins of her wrist, looking at the ground and squinting slightly

"...I see...co-co-could you-could you please step inside?" Osi waves for them to follow him as he strolls inside

"I will have to stay out here...I can not fit inside" Malissa sighs

"It's cool, we'll let you know what happens" Valk winks as she starts creaking up the stairs

"After you" Roxxane holds a hand out toward the door

Sam starts to timidly brush up the steps, then looks around with surprise at the amount of decoration there is, a shelf off to the side of the door with a bunch of books, a globe on another shelf, but across from her, Osi is sitting down at a rotting, wooden table with lit candles at each corner of said table and a small mat in the center

"...So...what...do we do?" Sam's eyes pop around the area, as an offputting chill runs through her body

"Sit across from me, I must exam-ex-examine your palm to begin" Osi gestures to the seat across from him

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