25. Murphy's Laws

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Nearly an hour passed since we last checked in

"...Hey, I kinda have to pee, you don't mind if I peed in the bucket over there, do you?" Ray peers over to Sam, gesturing at the rusted bucket melded to the far corner of the chamber

"Oh, of course not" Sam cocks her head to the complete opposite of the room

"Thanks" Ray grunts as he gets up, the bones in his ankles popping as he walks to the bucket

"...Hey, I've...got a question" Sam taps her chin

"About?" Ray asks, furrowing his brows and unbuckling his pants

"...Uh...so...when you...have a...uhm...a..." Sam looks for the right word

"Yeah, it is harder to pee, there are also different styles you can use" Ray notes...you can guess what he's doing

"Wait, what?" Sam has the urge to turn her head to him, but she stops herself halfway, cocking her head back to the wall

"Mhm, there are also different styles when you're boned, too, you've got the Superman, the crouching firehose where you have two hands on it, the standing firehose, same as the crouching one, but harder to aim in the toilet, Gangster style, the one-handed, Micheal Jackson, and then freestyle with no hands" Ray...keeps peeing

"...Oh" Sam was not ready for that information

"Then there are the attributes to peeing, there's the silent type which is the hardest to do because you have to familiarize yourself with the toilet and find the quietest spot, you've got the loud type: shooting right into the water, then there's the leader type where you pee on the back of the lid and trickshot it into the toilet, then the one we should all fear, the guy who pees in the floor intentionally" Ray somehow keeps the stream going, as he gestures around, peering over his shoulder

"...Oh gods" Sam's eyes blast open, looking absolutely flabbergasted

"Also, sometimes you have this innate urge to back away because you can feel how strong the river's gonna be, then comes the fun limbo of having to slowly walk forward to trickle the powerwasher water into the toilet, but me? I normally freestyle it quietly, what sounds the best to you?" Ray wonders, staring at the corner of the ceiling

"...Well...I...uh...huh..." Sam mutters

"...You seem like a crouching quiet type...or somebody who pees in the shower, hard to tell" Ray finally gets done, buckling his belt back up

"That-that makes sense because-because I'm a female" Sam slowly nods, blinking rapidly

"Yeah, but normally when women pee it's like the muffled sound of frying chicken, you know?" Ray turns around, walking back toward Sam

"Wh-huh?" Sam cocks her head to Ray with an extremely bamboozled expression

"...Do not all women pee like Niagra Falls?" Ray questions, sitting down beside Sam

"N-no? It-it's more like...the light-light setting when you wash your...hands" Sam slowly shakes her head

"...Hold on, like a school water fountain?" Ray furrows his brows, gesturing toward Sam

"I...sure-why did you think it was...hard?" Sam squints

"Because Bells-well, she did drink a f#ckton of water and Gsupps...was that it? I mean, I'm sure I've never pegged her, so...maybe she was just joking when she said th-no?" Ray sniffs his knuckles, murmuring

The steel door creaks open

Ray suddenly appears on the other side of the room, glaring at the wall

Sam glances at the door, then stares away from Ray with a pouty expression

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