In the Hall of Origin

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Chapter 9

"Ash!" I telepathed, "Come here, quick!"

"What is it?" asked Ash.

"I got a message from Latias saying to get you and hurry over to her. She didn't say what it meant, but she sounded pretty worried,"

"Uh, oh," said Ash, "do you think Latios got hurt stopping the wave?"

'I hope not,' I replied, not wanting to lose one of the first real friends I had.

'Ash! Michael! Hurry! There's not much time!'

This time Ash seemed to hear the message as well because as soon as I lowered myself, he climbed on hurriedly.

'Alright, Latias, here we come,' I thought, hoping we weren't too late.

With Latios and Latias... (3rd person P.O.V)

"Brother, I sent a message to them, they should be coming soon," said Latias.

"Ok sis," replied Latios, "but remember, we must warn them first. If anything goes wrong, it could mean the end for all four of us."

Latias gulped. After she and Latios had used their power to stop the tidal wave from destroying Altomare, Latios had used too much of his power, resulting in him turning a transparent blue and slowly fading away. Latias was determined to stop him from dying. However, she knew that more power was required to revive him and she was pretty much drained. This led her to call Ash and Michael as she knew that with another legendary Pokemon and the Chosen One, they might just be able to pull it off.

Back with Ash and Michael (Michael's P.O.V)

I looked around for Latios and Latias but all I could see was a glowing blue sphere. I assumed that they were in there so I flew straight into it.

"Michael! You came just in time! Quick, bring come over here!" shouted Latias.

"Whoa! I can understand you!" exclaimed Ash, "Wait, how can I understand you?"

"I don't know," replied Latias, "but no time to explain, Latios is dying!"

"Oh no!" yelled Ash, "Is there anything we can do?"

"There is one thing," said Latios weakly, "but it is very risky and if done improperly all of us could end up dying."

"We have to try!" said Ash, "If even the slimiest chance,"

I gulped, thinking to myself. I didn't know if I could help at all, but if I didn't, all of my friends might die and I would be all alone again. Sure Misty, Brock, Lorenzo, and Bianca were nice, but they just didn't connect to me as Ash, Latios, and Latias had. I assumed that this was because Latios and Latias were Pokemon like I was. I didn't know why I felt the same connection to Ash, however. I guessed that it might be because of the 'Chosen One' thing Latias and Latios were talking about. I sighed to myself, now was not the time to be contemplating my decisions. It was either all in or all out. I took a deep breath. "Alright, let's do it,"

"Ok, said Latios, "Michael, come over to me and focus on transferring energy to me Ash, you do the same. Latias will help assist you."

Ash and I did as instructed and we all tensed as we got ready.

"On the count of three," said Latios, "One, two," I braced myself. "three."

I closed my eyes but felt nothing. Cautiously, I opened them and saw that waves of light were flowing from Ash and I to Latios. Slowly, his color was returning. Suddenly, I felt very tired. I struggled to stay awake, but it felt like all the energy was being drained from me. I strained my eyes, trying to keep them open, but it was no use. A few seconds later, my eyelids dropped and I fell fast asleep.

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