The Truth Revealed

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Chapter 2

I walked downstairs with a small smile. 'What now?' I hummed in thought. 'Hmm, maybe I'll fly around a bit. It's not like I have to do anything today,' But I had one problem, mom and dad were still home. 'Dang it,' I shrugged. 'guess it'll have to wait. It's not like my powers are going to leave me anyway,'

I arrived downstairs and saw my mom and dad talking about something but I shrugged it off and ignored it. My brother walked up to me. "I know you want to go out flying. Just wait a few moments. They'll be leaving soon," he said to me.

I frowned. "How do you know that?" I wondered.

He chuckled. "Because I pay attention to things that you don't," I sweatdropped, knowing that was true. I get distracted very easily and even when I'm standing near someone I sometimes still don't hear what they say.

True to his word, a few minutes later I heard my mom calling from another room. "We're leaving to get some groceries! We'll be back in a couple of hours!" We heard the door close and I smiled. "So you're going?" David asked.

I raised an eyebrow. "Yes, mom and dad are going to be gone for a while so I have some time to enjoy myself a bit," I saw the disappointment in his eyes. "You wanna come? I'm sure I can handle carrying you,"

He grinned. "You know me all too well bro. Of course I'll come!"

I chuckled. "Let's go outside, I don't have much space to fly here and I don't think I'd fit through the door." David shrugged and followed me outside. "So? What now?" he asked. I smirked and changed into my Latiform. I flew to him and lowered myself, before nodding for him to hop on. He took the jest and sat on me. "Dang, you're heavy," I muttered, but luckily he couldn't understand it.

"Shall we go then?" he asked. I turned myself and David invisible, because I didn't want anyone to see me, and flew up, not my fastest but not exactly slow. I frowned when I remembered that David said to me that I'm psychic so I should be able to communicate through telepathy. "Well I guess I could give it a try," I thought, so I closed my eyes, feeling the power flowing through me again. I didn't exactly know how to create a telepathic message but I concentrated on both David's brain and mine. I immediately felt that mine was much stronger and bigger than his.

'Must be because I'm psychic,' I thought to myself, coming up with the most logical answer. I concentrated on him and tried to speak in his head. 'DAVID! CAN YOU HEAR ME?' I practically yelled in his head. Or at least I tried to because he didn't react at all. I grunted and tried it again, with more force now. David frowned. "Are you doing something?"

I sweatdropped, I wanted to reply but obviously, I couldn't since I was in my Latiform. "You trying to use telepathy?"' he asked me. I nodded. I kept trying to use telepathy not really paying attention to where I was going. Eventually, he tapped me on the head. "Um, where are you flying to? We're like, already miles away from home," I frowned when I realized I had flown way too far. I could already see the ocean. My brother and I both marveled at the beautiful sight. The ocean was sparkling brightly, little lights of reflections could be seen in a golden glimmer on the ocean, giving off orange and yellow sun rays. "Amazing," I heard my brother whispering.

I had to admit, the sight was beautiful. I'd been far off a lot of times, it was easy because I could fly very fast, sometimes even surprising myself. I'd seen a lot of nice buildings, statues, and parks but this definitely deserved a place on the top. "Michael I think we should go back. We've flown a lot longer than you think you did," David advised me.

I sighed but complied as I turned but groaned when I couldn't remember where I'd flown. 'Must be because I'd tried to use telepathy,' I thought to myself, but I knew full well I was terrible in directions. My brother knew this too and chuckled slightly. "Forgot the way did you?" he teased me.

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