Goodbye Altomare!

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Chapter 11

"Hey Michael, you awake?" asked Ash

"Yeah, I'm awake," I telepathed back

"How are you doing? You've been out for about an hour," asked Pikachu

"I'm fine," I said, activating my levitation, "just a little tired,"

"That Luster Purge you used was so cool!" said Ash, "I think it can be really strong if you just learn how to control it better,"

"Speaking of which, did I win?" I asked.

"Oh, I couldn't tell," said Ash, "after the dust cleared from the explosion you and Pikachu were both unconscious."

"So, did you like battling?" asked Pikachu.

I thought about it for a moment, while not the greatest thing in the world, I did enjoy the battle and I also wanted to get stronger. "I guess," I replied, "it did feel pretty good,"

"See," said Pikachu, "I told you battling was fun,"

Latios and Latias floated over to us, "How are you doing?" asked Latias.

"I'm fine, sorry if I destroyed your garden a little," I said, glancing at the dead grass and bushes around the spot where had launched my attack.

"It's fine," said Latios, "the garden is so lush it should grow back in a week or so. My sister and I managed to block most of the attack from hitting the ground."

"What have you guys been doing while I was out?" I asked.

"Not much," said Ash, "I just took Pikachu to the Pokemon Center to get up and waited for you to get up,"

I nodded. "Are you ok Pikachu? I think that attack was pretty powerful,"

"I'm fine," said Pikachu, "I've been through worse. Besides, Latios and Latias blocked most of that attack,"

"So Latios, Latias, would you two like to do some training?" asked Ash.

"Sure," said Latios, "what do you want us to do?"

"See those boulders over there?" asked Ash, "Try to pick them up and hold them for as long as you can,"

"Alright!" said Latias.

"Do you want to try to Michael?" asked Ash.

"I've never tried using telekinesis," I said.

"That's ok," said Ash, "hey Latios, Latias, could you help Michael with his psychic abilities?"

"Yeah, I can help," said Latias, "Micheal, see that rock?" I nodded. "Try to concentrate all your energy on it,"

I concentrated hard on the rock. To my surprise, the rock slowly started to lift into the air. I thought about it moving to the right and the rock complied with my orders. I started to play around with it, tossing it up and down left and right. I smiled as the rock moved with more and more ease and - promptly exploded in my face.

"It's ok," said Latias, giggling slightly at the broken rock. "It just takes practice. Why don't you try again?"

I did try agian, and agian, and agian. The good news was that I wasn't blowing up as many rocks. The bad news was I still couldn't concentrate very well.

"I think I need a break," I said, as my 19th rock exploded.

"That's ok," said Latios, hardly anyone get's it on their first day.

"Hey Ash, they're done," said Pikachu.

"Alright," said Ash, "how about we get some dinner? I'm starving from all that training."

"That sounds good," I said, "I'm really hungry right now,"

"Oh, can we go to that pizza place?" asked Latias, "I go there all the time and the food is really good,"

"Sure," said Ash, "could you lead the way though? I'm not the best at navigating."

"Wow, you saying something smart," said Pikachu, "never thought I would hear the day,"

Ash glared at him. "Just joking," said Pikachu, hopping on Ash's shoulder.

"Welcome Tia and Tio, have you brought some of your friends with you?" asked the manager of the pizza store. Latias nodded, gesturing to all of us.

"Well, welcome in, we have a table for 4 ready,"

Latias nodded and gestured for us to sit down.

"Wow, how often do you guys come here?" I asked.

"A lot," Latios replied, "or at least enough so we don't have to say anything to order and get special treatment,"

"How did you do it the first time?" asked Ash.

"We just pointed to the things we wanted on the menu and wrote our names on a piece of paper," replied Latias, "that guy just thinks we're mute, he's really nice though,"

"I assume you want your usual?" said the manager, Latias, and Latios nodded, "How about you two?" he asked, nodding to Ash and me.

"I'll have a large pepperoni pizza," said Ash.

"I'll have a medium bacon pizza," I said.

"Alright, your food should be ready in a few minutes," said the manager as he walked back to the kitchen.

"Hey, what about me?" asked Pikachu.

"Don't worry," telepathed Latias, "they serve Pokemon for free as long as your trainer orders something,"

"Does that mean all of us except for Ash get to eat for free?" asked Pikachu.

Latios chuckled. "Technically yes, but we can't reveal ourselves just for some free food. Besides, it's only one free meal per order."

"I wouldn't be surprised if Ash ate enough for that," said Pikachu.

I laughed along with everyone else, glad I had such good friends.

That night...


"Huh? Who's there?" I asked.

"It is I, Arceus,"

"But why are you here?"

"Team Galactic is gaining power, you must leave immediately,"

"Leave where?" I asked.

"You must leave Altomare and go to the Sinnoh region, from there, other legendaries will guide you," replied Arceus.

"Hold on, where am I?" I asked.

"You are not somewhere describable. In simpler terms, I am talking to you in a dream. Now rise, your mission starts now,"

I jolted awake and immediately noticed that Latios, Latias, Ash, and Pikachu were awake too.

"Hey guys, I just had this dream,"

"Yeah," said Ash, "Me too,"

"The one about Arceus?" asked Latias.

"Yeah, same," said Latios.

"I had it too," said Pikachu.

"Well," said Ash, "I guess we have to go then,"

Latios nodded. "I'll leave a note for Lorenzo and Bianca,"

"And I'll leave one for Brock and Misty," said Ash.

Once Ash and Latios were done writing their respective notes, Latios, Latias, and I turned invisible and we all quietly walked out of the Pokemon Center. Once outside, Ash got on Latios, Pikachu jumped on my back, and we flew off toward the Sinnoh region.

Well, that's the chapter.

I put a lot of work into it, so be sure to R&R (read and review)

I also have a Discord server for anyone who's interested. (link on my profile page)

Thanks to everyone who's supported this book thus far!

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