Meeting an Equal

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Chapter 3

I weakly opened my eyes as I stirred. Slowly my vision came back to me. I frowned when I realized I was lying in my brother's bed. 'What am I doing here? How did I get here?' I looked around and saw my brother next to me and my mom sleeping with her head on my dad's shoulder, who was also asleep. My brother smiled at me. "What happened?" I asked, not realizing that I was in my Latios form, although I didn't know that I was a Latios at the time.

My brother chuckled as he heard me make small and weak squeals and coos. "I hope you realize that you are in your...uhm...true form," He said, not knowing what to call my strange body.

I raised an eye and looked at myself. I felt very weak but saw that I didn't have any injuries. My brother chuckled. "You don't remember what happened to you?" I shook my head in response and let out a sad coo. "It's alright, you'll probably remember once I start to explain, but first, let's wake up mom and dad," David walked over to them and shook dad slightly. "Dad, wake up, Michael's finally awake," I was confused at the 'finally' but shrugged it off. Dad raised his head, the movement causing my mom to wake up also. When they saw that I was looking at them they looked away, not able to look at me without remembering what happened.

David nodded and returned to his spot next to me. He chuckled and patted my head. "First of all, Michael can't remember what happened so I guess we better explain it to him, and hopefully he'll remember what happened so we don't have to repeat everything,"

Now I was totally confused. 'What on earth could have gone so wrong that they don't even like saying it?' I thought to myself. My answer came rather quickly when David started to explain. "Michael, remember when we came back from that flight we made? Mom caught us, well, more specifically, she caught you while you were in this form of yours. Well, let's just say she didn't believe it was you," I gasped very loudly when suddenly my mind started to work again, and everything that happened to me came back in one moment. I growled at my parents, slightly mad. I looked away, making my mom start crying. I groaned to myself, even when I was that mad at them, seeing my mom like that was just too much for me. I looked at David and squealed something, which he again guessed with great accuracy. "Mom, Dad, I think Michael is listening to what you have to say."

Mom stopped crying and walked over to me with my Dad by her side. She smiled weakly and patted my green feathered head. "Oh honey, I'm so sorry. I know that nothing can make up for the things that I said but... I'm sorry Michael." She said as she hugged me tightly and began to cry.

My dad also hugged me. "Sorry I tried to shoot you, son. I wasn't thinking at all and should have believed that it was you."

I sighed deeply, seeing my parents break like this was something very rare. I hugged them back slightly, groaning a bit at the effort it had cost me. "I forgive you two," I said. Everyone in the room jumped up in surprise. I raised an eye. "What is wrong with you all? You look like you've seen a ghost." My family's jaws had all dropped and were staring at me with wide eyes. I couldn't help but laugh at their expressions.

" in telepathy!" My brother ended up almost yelling, making me raise an eyebrow.

"Huh? I did?" I asked, once again not realizing I was indeed doing it. My mom, my dad, and David just nodded. "But how? I couldn't do it before."

David hummed in thought. "Maye something triggered inside you when you used all that power. I tell you, that was most definitely the most powerful thing I'd ever seen in my life."

I sighed again. "Well, that could explain it. Oh, and now that I can talk, what did you mean when you said 'finally' awake?"

My dad scratched his head. "To be honest, you were out for three days."

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