Preparations are Made

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Chapter 6

The Hall of Origin (3rd person P.O.V)

All of the legendary Pokemon, except for Latios and Latias, had gathered in the Hall of Origin. They all listened closely as Arceus began the meeting. "Lugia, since you called for this meeting, I assume you had something important to say?" The alpha pokemon looked towards the beast of the sea.

Lugia nodded. "Yes, Arceus. I was just going to check up on Zapdos, Articuno, and Moltres when I felt a very strong presence in the water currents. One much much stronger than that of normal pokemon. However, it wasn't one I could match to any of us," Lugia got puzzled looks from many of the legendaries as a response. Ho-oh interrupted Lugia. "What do you mean? That a normal pokemon lives in the water which is as strong as a legendary?" She asked suspiciously.

Lugia shook his head. "Please, let me finish my story," Ho-oh grunted a bit, but complied as she remained silent. "Anyway, as I said, I felt a strong presence in the water currents so I decided to investigate. To be honest, it was not at all what I was expecting. There, on the bottom of the ocean, lay a green Latios, who was unconscious, with a very critically injured wing,"

Gasps filled the entire room, as everyone realized the implications of what Lugia had seen. The only one who didn't gasp was Arceus, who had a small smile on his face. However, Mew, a close friend of Latias, was completely stunned. "A SHINY LEGENDARY!" She yelled at Lugia.

Giratina rolled her eyes. "Thank you, captain obvious. We've already figured that out, you know,"

Mew pouted slightly and looked back to Lugia. "What do you mean? His wing was critically injured and he was unconscious?"

Lugia quickly explained what happened to the Latios he had seen. Namely, he laid out how the Latios had been attacked by humans, and how he was injured by a missile.

Once again, the room was listening carefully to what Lugia was saying. It wasn't every day that a shiny legendary was seen. This time it wasn't just Arceus who didn't gasp. Mewtwo was actually smirking at the story. "You see? That's what I mean! We should have gotten rid of humans long ago! Now look at what they've done!"

"How can you say that!" Palkia yelled. "You were created by humans!"

"WHAT? Never insult me like that ever again!" Mewtwo growled and held his hands together, forming a dark ball that had electricity crackling around it. As soon as the ball had reached the size of Palkia's head, Mewtwo fired it at Palkia, who instinctively reacted by shattering the shadow ball into tiny, harmless pieces.

"Don't ever say that again," Mewtwo said to Palkia, daring him to do it. His smirk said. 'Say it and you are dead.'

Palkia just chuckled at Mewtwo. "Whatever,"

Rayquaza took Lugia's attention by asking. "What happened to him now? Why isn't he here?"

Lugia shrugged. "He wanted to go to Altomare, so I guided him there. Apparently, Latias had explained everything to...uhm...I believe his name was Michael. Informed him of the existence of pokemon and the pokemon world before seemingly abandoning him. I helped him to Altomare after explaining to him how I had found him before he turned into his human form and left to search for Latios and Latias,"

"Where is Latias anyway?" Rayquaza asked while forcing a small blush back.

Some legendaries chuckled and Arceus decided to answer. "She's back in Altomare with her brother, on duty to protect the Soul Dew,"

"Why? I mean, Palkia and I should be on duty also. Why can't they come?" Dialga asked.

"Because...there will be some events in Altomare soon that can change a lot of lives," Arceus answered calmly. At those words, two pokemon, Celebi and Dialga, shifted uncomfortably. Rayquaza tilted his head slightly, in response to Arceus's comment. "Why can't we help? I mean, it's the first time they'll be in real trouble,"

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