Prologue (chapter 1)

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Hello there, this is ColsonOtis!

This book will be a continuation of Latios in a Human World. (by Flemderp)

Ash doesn't appear in this story for the first few chapters but will make his appearance around chapter 3 or 4 and will be one of the main characters.

Also, the first six chapters of this book were not originally written by me, however, chapters 7 and beyond will all be written solely by me.

Update! Thanks a million to Liam198 for making a cover for this book!

Chapter 1

As I looked in the mirror I sighed, kinda depressed. What I saw was a fifteen-year-old boy. I had black hair, a bit messy. But there was one thing very unusual thing about it. I had two plucks of hair that looked a lot like horns. Further looking I saw my eyes, my stirred red eyes that could give the best glare. The strangest thing about them was I had a white oval just above my iris. It didn't affect my vision at all, it just looked weird and sometimes scared people off. I wasn't the best-looking kid, just an average guy. Yet I never had a girlfriend, let stand a kiss. That's if you don't count a kiss from my mom as I left for school.

My thoughts changed as I thought about school. I slammed my fist on the wall and panted heavily as I tried to control myself before my family noticed. "I hate school!" I thought. It was true, I hated it. I never opened myself to anyone but I had one very big reason for that. Only one person knew about it, my brother. As I said, I never opened up to anyone. Sure, I have some friends, even some pretty good friends, but they were just a facade to cover my true self. Social behavior was never one of my good points. I just preferred to stay home and relax.

A yell came up. "Micheal! What is taking you so long? You aren't the only one who needs to use the bathroom you know!" I heard my mother yell from behind the door. I grunted. "I'll be there in a second mom! Stop whining!" I flinched when I said that last sentence.

"What! Oh, you're punished, mister. Your pc is away for at least a week!" she yelled. I slapped myself on the head after my stupid comment. Talking like that to your parents always gets you in trouble. But after hearing my punishment I couldn't help but let out a chuckle. "Does she thinks I care that much about my pc?" I thought. All I did was play a shooter or two just to pass the time when I got bored.

My mom knocked hard on the door. "Get out of the bathroom! Now!" I sighed and quickly washed and changed clothes. In no time I was out of the bathroom, looking at my mom. She grunted and pushed me slightly away so she could pass by. "Took you long enough," She muttered.

I sighed again and walked to the kitchen where we usually eat. My brother and father were still eating. My brother and father looked up at me and gave a small nod to say good morning. My brother looked closely at me, a bit worried. I guessed he heard when I slammed my fist against the wall. I chuckled. "Don't worry. I'm fine," I said.

He nodded before he continued eating. My father looked up at me. ''So, what are you going to do now?''

I shrugged. "I'm going to my room to study a bit,"

My father smiled, proud of my good points. But my brother hid a chuckle. He knew I never learned, not once since the day when I found out who I was. I calmly walked up to my room. It was just part of the attic but it was completely changed into a medium-sized room. I looked around and saw my desk, with a few books on it. I also had a few posters of a TV series I liked.

Once I was inside I closed the door. I closed my eyes and felt a surge of power flowing through me. Concentrating on the power I released it. My whole body sparkled in a green shower of light and I started to change. After a second I looked at myself again, completely changed into my true body. I smiled, it always felt great to be in this form, even if I didn't know what it was. My two plucks of hair had stayed the same, only they had changed into a grey color. I had a long pointed nose and head. On my head, I had a teardrop shape in green. The rest of my head was also a greyish white as well as the underside of my neck and my feathers until my chest. My long slender neck was covered on one side in green feathers, just like my two large wings and my two smaller wings. My chest was also green and had a yellow triangle on it. I had two short arms with strong-looking claws on them that looked like they could rip flesh in an instant. My arms were also green except for the underside of them. Those were greyish-white with green circles on them. I looked a lot like an oddly shaped jet plane.

But that's not what I was. 'I'm a freak, a monster, destined to be alone all its life,' I thought sadly. Nobody could know about this. People would look at me in fear, wonder, or curiosity, but most of all in disgust. I was one of a kind and I knew it. I always hoped I would meet someone like me. Someone I could talk to, someone that could help me control my powers. All I could do was fly, take the form of a human, and turn invisible. Sometimes when I got angry I felt tremendous power inside me. One time my claw shone, but I had no control over it. I had accidentally smashed my closet in two that time. I had no idea what it was and what would happen. But most importantly, I was scared of it. Scared of the powers I possessed. Heck, I didn't even know what I was but somehow it just felt... right.

Kind of like I was meant to be like this, like god himself granted me these powers and made me like this, with a great future and destiny. That's what I felt but not believed. I thought I was just an outcast that would never be able to bond with someone without them running away in fear. Tears welled up as I thought about that again. The thought of always being alone and never truly being myself was just too painful for me. I let out a sad coo. 'I hate this! I don't want these powers!' I thought angrily. 'I want to be normal!' in my rage I saw my claw shining again. With a gasp, I tried to calm down, while shivering at the awkward moment when my parents saw my closet ripped apart last time.

A few knocks on the door took my attention. I looked with a narrowed eye at it but wasn't afraid that someone would see me. My brother and I had decided to use knock code to inform me that it was him because he knew I sometimes changed into my 'other' form. My brother slowly opened the door and walked in. He wasn't even surprised a bit when he saw me floating in the air. His name is David, he's eighteen years old and has short black hair. He had blue eyes and wasn't that much taller than me, even though I'm only fifteen years old. He was the only one that knew about my true form. He sighed, walked in, and quickly closed the door. David looked at me with a small smile. ''I see you're in your true form again?''

I squealed sadly and he immediately knew what I was thinking about. He sighed and walked over to me, capturing me in a hug. I purred a bit and returned it. "Micheal, you know what I always say. I truly believe you aren't the only one on the earth. This form of yours, I don't know what it is, but I know one day you'll find someone that's just like you."

I parted the hug and looked at him, a bit happier. "Micheal, in the meantime, try to train yourself. Or at least try to figure out what you can do,"

I nodded and returned to my human form. "I'll try," I said to him.

He smiled at me. "Good. Oh, also try to speak in that form of yours. You should be psychic since you just float and only use your wings to balance yourself. So I think you might be capable of using telepathy. It's said psychics can do that, but of course, no one really knows," He said with a smirk.

I chuckled. "I'll see what I can do. Thanks for the advice,"

David walked past me and started to walk down. "Anytime bro, anytime,"

With a smile on my face, I also went down, ready for a new day.

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