Testing the limits

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Chapter 10

I yawned. My eyelids slowly flickered open as I regained consciousness. I groaned as the events of the past night came back to me. 'At least it turned out well,' I thought.

"Man, I'm starving," I turned around to see Ash slowly getting up.

"You're always starving," said Pikachu, "but where have you guys been? After you and Michael shot off toward the wave you guys disappeared."

"Ash! Latios! Latias! Michael!" I then noticed Misty, Brock, Lorenzo, and Bianca.

"Where in the name of Arceus have you been?" asked Misty and Bianca at the same time before looking at each other.

"Well," said Ash, looking at us, "would you believe we just met Arceus?"

"Ash, are you sure?" asked Brock, "Arceus is known as the Alpha Pokemon, or the creator of the universe, and is said to live on Mt. Coronet in the Sinnoh region. We're in Johto right now, remember?"

"I'm sure," said Ash, "unless it was all a dream but..." Ash glanced at the Z-ring on his wrist.

"What's on your wrist?" asked Lorenzo, "It seems a little too bulky for a bracelet."

"This?" asked Ash, "Oh, It's a little gift from Arceus. He said I could use it with Pikachu to unleash this powerful move called 10,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt."

"That sounds like a lot of volts," joked Brock, "but anyway, why don't you tell us the whole story over lunch? Lorenzo, Bianca, and I prepared some just in case you guys showed up."

"Now we're talking!" said Ash and speed off.

A few moments later, he returned. "Uh, where exactly is the house again?"

"That way," Pikachu deadpanned.

As we ate, we talked about the events that had happened after Ash and I had sped off toward the tidal wave. Lorenzo and Bianca seemed shocked, but Misty and Brock acted like it was all normal.

"How can you take this so well?" asked Bianca.

"Let's just say," replied Brock, "there have been a lot crazier things that have happened to us during our adventures together..."

"May I ask what they are?" said Lorenzo.

"Hmm," said Misty, "where should we start? Ash?"

"Well," said Ash, "it all started on my first day as a trainer..."

As I listened to Ash's story I became more and more amazed at what the Pokemon world had to offer. I felt pretty good about my decision to let Ash catch me. After all, he was one of the few friends I had made here and Arceus, who was apparently the 'god' of this world had recommended him. I still had a few questions for Pikachu though which I asked as soon as I got a chance that night.

"Hey Pikachu,"


"I have a few questions for you, you know, about all this stuff,"

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Well," I said, "what does having a trainer mean exactly?"

"Oh that," Pikachu nodded, "having a trainer basically means that either the trainer defeated the Pokemon and caught it, or they agreed to a partnership. I assume it was the ladder in your case,"


"Well anyway," Pikachu continued, "a bad trainer might abuse their Pokemon and force them to battle, but a good trainer tries to deepen their friendship with their Pokemon and they are able to battle as partners."

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