Escaping to the Pokemon World

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Chapter 4

The night passed quickly, and before I knew it, I was standing in my human form right beneath the opening in the ceiling with my mom, dad, and David in front of me, all with big smiles on their faces. I changed into my Latios form. 'Well, this is it,' I thought, feeling slightly sad because I had to leave my family behind. However, I was also feeling happy inside because I finally had the chance to go to a different world, one that promised so much. I knew that no matter how much I loved my family, I did not belong here with them. I flew to mom and dad and hugged them tightly. "Mom, Dad, I'll miss you both so much. I love you both!" I said while nuzzling my head against theirs. Mom giggled and stroked my slender neck. "I love you too honey. I'll never forget you," My dad also returned the hug. "I love you too son. I guess did a pretty darn good job raising you,"

I chuckled. "That's right dad, you did," I said as I parted the hug, a few tears escaping from my eyes. I blinked my eyes a couple of times before going to David who smirked. I smiled, flew to him, and just like I had done to mom and dad I captured him in a bone-crushing hug. "David, thank you so much for everything you have done for me," I said as I nuzzled him affectionately.

David chuckled and returned the hug. "It was all worth it bro. Just remember, keep an eye out for bad people and such, because even if it is a pokemon world that doesn't mean there aren't any humans there. You never know," He then slapped his hand against my back. "But most of all I want you to be happy, ok? Go with this Latias and learn how to get stronger, how to use your powers and control that beam of yours,"

I thought about it for a moment. "Now that you mention that, I believe Latias called it Luster Purge," I sighed. "I have to go now. I'll miss you all very much. Maybe I'll return one day to show you how much I've improved, but I can't promise anything,"

"That's ok son, we know you're in good hands, or should I say claws,"' My dad said, chuckling at his joke. My mom, David, and I sweatdropped at his comment, that was such a dad joke. He had a point though. I do have claws, not hands.

I started to fly up, waving to my family, more tears escaping my eyes. I looked away from them and activated my invisibility. "Goodbye, I love you," I said one last time before I shot up in the air.

Meanwhile... (3rd person POV)

Latias panted heavily as she was forced down again after trying to escape for almost half an hour. "Brother! Let me go!"' She yelled, angry at the fact her brother, who would normally never even dare to harm a feather of hers, had now trapped her inside the secret garden, with the farthest she could go being Lorenzo's house.

Latios sighed. "Latias, this is for your own safety,"

Latias squealed in anger. "I AM SAFE! MICHAEL IS THE ONE WHO NEEDS HELP!"

Latios rolled his eyes. "Don't tell me you've given him a name. Quit the act, ok? It's annoying. Both Lorenzo and I don't believe it and you aren't leaving Altomare until you finally learn that you can't just go out to the human world and play there. There is a lot to do in the pokemon world too, you know that,"

Latias, however, was just getting furious. "RELEASE ME!" She widened her eyes and they gave off a brilliant blue light, showing she was using psychic, trying to break the psychic barrier. But it was of no use, since Latios always had been the more experienced and stronger one of the twins. She growled dangerously to him. "Brother, release me now," She sissed. "I'll come back right after I bring Michael here, at least if he's allowed to come with me,"

Latios sighed. "Latias, nothing you say will make you leave the garden, at least not today. You have to learn the consequences of your actions. You can't do everything you want. You're a legendary pokemon, one that has a big responsibility to keep the Soul Dew safe,"

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