The Crisis Begins

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Chapter 8

"What do we do now?" I asked.

"Let's go find Ash," said Latias, "with his help, I'm sure we can save my brother,"

"Ok, he's staying at the Pokemon Center," I said.

"Alright, let's go!" said Latias.

Latias and I turned invisible and flew to the Pokemon center to go and find Ash.

"Psst, do you know what room he's in?" asked Latias.

"Um, room 16 on I think," I replied.

I was about to head for the front door when I realized that it would be locked by now.

"Great, how are we going to get in if the Pokemon Center is closed?" I asked.

"Don't worry," said Latias, "I know how to get in,"

She slowly flew around the Pokemon Center, muttering to herself. I was confused as to what she was doing until it hit me. Of course! We could go through the window! I joined Latias in the search and eventually found the correct window.

"I found it Latias!" I called, but when I tried to open the window, I found it was stuck. "Darn! It's locked!"

"No problem," said Latias, her eyes glowing with that mysterious power that I really wanted to unlock. "There we go!" she said as the glowing stopped and the window swung open.

"I wish I could do that," I said.

"Don't worry, you'll get it eventually," replied Latias, "it just takes time."

"Ok," I sighed, "so, should we go in?"

"Yeah, let's go," said Latias.

So Latias and I squeezed ourselves through the window and turned into our human forms.

"Ash!" I called.

"Michael?" I heard a voice call. I looked around and saw Pikachu standing near us. "Latias? What are you two doing here? We're trying to get some sleep here,"

"Pikachu!" I heard Ash call drowsily, "Where are you going? Huh? Michael? Latias? What are you doing here?"

"Well Ash," I began, "we're kinda in a situation..."

I explained what had happened in the garden.

Ash's eyes instantly snapped open. "They did what?! We have to go help Latios!"

"Ah yes," said Pikachu, "time to save more legendaries! Lead the way!"

"Speaking of which," I said, "do you know where Latios is Latias?"

'I'm not sure, hold on, I'm getting something,' Latias transformed into her true form and her eyes started to glow. All of a sudden, my vision blacked out and was replaced by a vision of a dimly lit room.

"Where are we?" asked Ash.

'My brother and I are using sight sharing,' said Latias telepathically, 'it allows us to see exactly what the other is seeing.'

As I looked around, or rather, as Latios looked around, I could see Lorenzo and Bianca tied up in one corner by what looked like more of the spider's web. One of the two women from earlier was in some sort of giant machine and the other was standing by with their pokemon. I could tell that Lorenzo was shouting at the two women to stop. It seemed to be doing no good, however, because they simply laughed and ignored him. Just then, the vision flickered as the machine drained some of Latios' energy.

The woman in the machine started waving her hands over the dashboard and two skeletons in the floor started to glow. "Kabutops! Aerodactyl! Rise!" The fossils glowed even brighter before the bones came out of the ground and materialized into two pokemon. One looked like a pterodactyl and the other looked like a brown bony dinosaur with two sharp blades for arms. "Kabutops, Aerodactyl, go get that Latias for me!" yelled the woman in the machine. At this, Latios squealed a warning, and the sight-sharing cut out.

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