Revelation to a Pokemon

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Chapter 5

'Should I ask her? It looks like she's the only one that can help me,' I thought desperately.

Nurse Joy must have noticed the pained face I was making as I thought my options over, as she asked, "Are you ok sir?"

'Not exactly,' I thought, but outwardly, I forced a smile. "I'm doing great, Nurse Joy. Thanks for your help!"

"You're very welcome. Have a nice day,"

"Thanks," I said before going up to our room. I knocked twice before Ash opened the door, Pikachu still sitting on his shoulder. "Hi Michael," He said, stepping back so I could walk in.

I could have sworn that Pikachu glared at me for some reason, but I ignored the little mouse and went inside. "Hey, Ash. What's up?"

"Not much, I just unpacked and then just waited for you. What did you need from Nurse Joy?" He asked, oblivious to the tension that had evolved around him.

Pikachu shook his head in disbelief. "Ash, are you really that dense? If he had specifically wanted to speak with Nurse Joy in private, what makes you think he'll tell us now?"

Ash sighed at how much sense that made. "Why didn't I figure that out?" He said silently to himself.

"Because you're a blockhead," Pikachu answered, getting a glare from Ash in response/reply. Pikachu chuckled and walked closer to me. "A nice, fun blockhead, but still a blockhead. Michael, can I speak to you in private?"

I shrugged. "Sure," I followed Pikachu to the room beside us, but the moment I had closed the door I heard a small pinging noise, and a light came out of Pikachu's tail. He looked angrily at me, making me back off. "What's wrong with you!" I asked terrified.

Pikachu slowly walked closer to me. "Do you think I'm stupid? You can understand our language and I can sense a very strong power in you. Something...inhuman... You must be a pokemon!" he hissed.

I widened my eyes, I couldn't have given myself away that easily...or had I? "I'm not!" I shot back, hoping that Ash couldn't hear our argument. Pikachu rushed at me with a massive burst of speed — he was almost just a blur —and hit me in my side with an Iron Tail attack. I winced as pain lanced across my ribs as I was knocked to the ground. Before I knew it, Pikachu stood on top of me, his shining tail against my throat. "Reveal yourself," He said calmly.

I growled at him. "Get off of me or you'll regret it," I warned him, scared because I knew I was bluffing. Pikachu would win in a matter of seconds, one because I couldn't control my attacks and two because I was already injured.

Pikachu laughed the warning off. "C'mon, you didn't even know what a pokecenter or a pokemon was... you don't have a clue about how we live, right? Let me explain something to you. In our world, there are two types of pokemon trainers: Those that treat us like slaves or pets, and those that treat us like friends and equals. You're hiding something that could threaten Ash, and I want to know what it is," He tapped his shining tail on my throat. "Tell me now or you will regret it,"

I sighed deeply, knowing that my secret was about to be exposed. "Sorry but I really prefer not to. I'm injured in my pokemon form. This is the only form I can take without feeling pain,"

Pikachu narrowed his eyes and the pressure on my neck increased. "Show me...or else..." he tapped his tail.

I groaned because I couldn't do a thing besides reveal myself. Pikachu gasped and jumped off me as I covered myself in a bright green shower of light. I gasped and gritted my teeth to make sure I didn't squeal in pain. Changing into a human might have relieved me of the pain from my injuries, but apparently, that didn't mean the wound had healed. In fact, the wound looked even worse than before. A large open gash on my wing spilled blood all over my body, ruining the once-white feathers.

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