Hello Sinnoh!

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Chapter 12

"Do you guys know how to get to the Sinnoh region?" Ash asked Latios and Latias.

"Mostly," said Latios, "although I'm a little uncertain on some parts,"

"Ash you do know your Pokedex has a map right?" said Pikachu.

"Oh yeah," said Ash, "would you like a map Latios?"

"Can I have it?" asked Latias, "I've always wanted to use a map!"

"Sure," said Ash, handing the Pokedex to her.

"Thanks!" said Latias as she took it with her Psychic and levitated it in front of her. "Ok, we have to go that way!" She pointed straight forward.

"Sis, that's the way we're headed already," said Latios.

"Right," said Latias.

"Which legendaries do you'll think Arceus will send to us?" I asked.

"I don't know," replied Latios, "the Sinnoh region is known for having a lot of legendary Pokemon, so it's hard to say,"

"What legendary Pokemon are there?" asked Ash.

"Well," said Latios, "there's the Lake Trio, Azelf, Mesprit, and Uxie, the Creation Trio, Dialga, Palkia, and Griatina, Hetran, Regigigas, Cresselia, Darkari, Phione, Manaphy, Shaymin, and of course, Arceus."

"Wow," said Ash, "that is a lot,"

"Hmm," said Latias, "this thing says at the rate we're going, it will take 12 hours to get there,"

"Can that be sped up?" asked Ash.

"Yes," said Latios, "but I don't think you could handle going any faster, we're going at almost the speed of sound right now," I nodded, remembering the incident with my brother.

"Couldn't you use psychic to create a barrier so Ash and I don't get hurt?" asked Pikachu.

"I guess so," said Latios, "I'm already doing that but I'll see if I can make it a bit stronger,"

"Thanks," said Ash, "I don't know about you, but I'm getting a strange feeling that we need to get there as soon as possible,"

About 12 Hours later...

"Hey," said Latias, "I think we're almost there!"

I looked in the direction she was pointing. Sure enough, I could see a mass of land in the distance. 'Finally,' I thought. We had been flying for a whole day, stopping occasionally for meals and short breaks. It was a wonder all of us hadn't passed out from exhaustion by now.

"Alright!" said Ash, "We can finally get some food now!"

"We've been flying for 2 whole days and that's all you care about?" asked Pikachu.

"Well, no," said Ash, "but food is always a bonus,"

"Actually," said Pikachu, "I agree with you for once, let's get something to eat,"

"Can we get pizza again?" asked Latias.

"Come on sis," said Latios, "we get pizza all the time,"

"Yeah, but it's really good," replied Latias.

"We'll see what there is," said Ash, "maybe the Sinnoh region has some unique foods,"

A few minutes later, we landed in the Sinnoh region. I decided to use my human disguise while Latios and Latias turned invisible.

"Could I get a room for 4 please?" asked Ash once we had arrived at the Pokemon Center.

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