And then there was J!

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Chapter 14

During the next few days, (with lots of help from Latios and Latias) I was finally able to confidently use telekinesis or Psychic, as the move was called.

"This all seems too peaceful," said Pikachu, "I mean, with this whole Team Galactic roaming free in this region, there's gotta be some hint as to where they are,"

"What's that?" asked Latias abruptly, causing us to glance up.

I squinted. At first, I couldn't see anything, but eventually, I was able to make out a faint outline of something in the sky.

"Is that thing really there?" asked Ash, "it doesn't look real,"

"It could be a hint," said Latios, "I think we should check it out,"

"Do you think it could be Team Galactic?" I asked, as Ash climbed on Latios' back and Pikachu got on mine.

"It could be," replied Latios.

"Guess there's only one way to find out," said Ash, "although you guys should probably turn invisible in case it is Team Galactic."

"What about you and Pikachu though?" asked Latias.

"We'll be fine," said Ash, "as long as we're careful, I don't think they'll notice us,"

"Can't we just turn them invisible?" I asked.

"No, the only reason we can turn ourselves invisible is because our feathers can refract light and bend it around us," replied Latios.

"But when my brother and I went flying, I turned both of us invisible," I replied, slightly confused at Latios' explanation.

"You did?" asked Latias, "But that's impossible!"

"Why don't you try it on Ash?" asked Latios, "I might be able to figure it out,"

"Sure," I replied and lowered myself so Ash could get on my back. Once he was on, I focused on making both of us invisible. Sure enough, it worked perfectly and only a silhouette could be seen of the two of us.

"Wow," said Pikachu, "how did you do that?"

Before I could reply, Ash interrupted. "Uh Pikachu, we're still visible,"

"No you're not," replied Pikachu, "I can't see you at all,"

"But I can still see myself!" protested Ash, "And Michael too,"

"Hmm," said Latios, "how exactly do you camouflage yourself, Michael?"

"I just think about it and it happens," I replied, "and I can always see myself when I turn invisible,"

"I think you might be using some form of Psychic power to do that," replied Latios, "Although..." he looked back at the silhouette in the sky. "We should probably take a look at that thing before it goes away. Michael, why don't you take Ash and Pikachu? I'll try to see if Latias and I can copy that technique later,"

I nodded in agreement, "Okay, that's fine."

Pikachu quickly hopped on my back and, after turning all of us invisible, we flew up towards the strange object. We got within about 30 meters of the object when-

"Latios, Latias, watch out!" Ash yelled.

I glanced to the side just in time to see Latios and Latias dodge two large missiles that were definitely not shot on accident.

Ash looked at Latios and Latias. No telepathy was needed to tell that we were all thinking the same thing: We had found Team Galactic.

"How did they spot us?" asked Latias telepathically.

"That machine of theirs must have some sort of sensor that can see us when we're invisible," replied Latios.

"How are we supposed to get in?" asked Ash as Latios and Latias dodged more incoming missiles.

"Hold on," said Pikachu, "look Ash, they haven't shot a single missile at us yet. Do you think...?"

"That they can't see us because of the way I turn invisible?" I finished.

"That just might work," said Ash, "Latios, Latias, would you mind going back to your Pokeballs for a second?"

"Sure, that's fine," replied Latios, "I assume you want to test if Team Galactic can only see us or not,"

Ash nodded. "Yeah, that's the gest of it, I'll let you guys out as soon as I can,"

As soon as Ash returned Latios and Latias from their Pokeballs, the missiles stopped coming and a latch opened on the side of the ship. Out of it flew a woman riding a Pokemon that I later learned to be a Salamance.

"Do you think that's Team Galactic?" I asked.

"I don't know," replied Ash. "let's see what they're talking about,"

I drifted slightly closer so we were able to hear their voices.

"What do you mean they just disappeared?" yelled the woman.

"We don't know!" shouted one of the men, "One moment they were there and the next they were just gone!"

"You said these were psychic types correct?"

"Yes ma'am,"

"And there was no sign of a teleport?"

"No ma'am,"

"And they were invisible?"

"Yes ma'am,"

"Hmm, sounds like the legendary Pokemon Latios and Latias... Alright, send out an investigation immediately! I don't care how many men you need, but get those Pokemon for me or else!"

"Aye ma'am," the man quickly flew back to the ship and disappeared.

"Who is that?" asked Ash, "Why do you think she wants Latios and Latias?"

"Maybe she's part of Team Galactic?" suggested Pikachu, "Or she might be a Pokemon Hunter,"

"What's a Pokemon Hunter?" I asked.

Ash gritted his teeth. "They're awful people who capture and sell Pokemon for profit. We met one once who was trying to capture Celebi,"

"Let's get closer," said Pikachu, "I have a feeling that she might be a clue to finding Team Galactic,"

"Alright," said Ash, "be careful Michael,"

I nodded and floated closer to the woman who was busy talking on her phone to someone.

"-so you can capture those Pokemon for us?"

"Yes, of course, when do you want them?"

"By the end of the week should be fine, no need to rush things,"

"Fine, but I want to be paid half upfront. Some of my other clients were, shall we say, a little slippery,"

"Deal, but you'd better have those Pokemon for us J,"

"You get me the money, and you'll have them before you know it, no one messes with Hunter J,"

"Don't forget, no one messes with Team Galactic either, see you in a week,"

Ash, Pikachu, and I looked at each other. We all knew one thing, this couldn't be good.

That's a wrap!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter of Ash's Eon Journey! I know it isn't the greatest, but I'll try to go back later and make it better.

In case any of you were wondering, yes, Ash, Michael, Pikachu, Latios, and Latias can talk telepathically to each other due to three of them being psychics.

Anyway, if you enjoyed this chapter, please leave a review and consider joining my discord server! We have a steadily growing community of fanfic readers, writers, and Pokemon fans but there's always room for more! (link to server on my profile page)

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