The First Shadow

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Chapter 15

"So," said Pikachu, "what now?

Ash shrugged. "Any ideas Michael?"

I glanced at Ash. "I guess we could follow her,"

Ash nodded. "If we follow her and she's working for Team Galactic, we'll probably run into them some time,"

"We'd probably run into them anyway," said Pikachu, "but yeah, it's probably our best bet."

"In that case, we should probably hurry," I said, noticing the silhouette of the ship moving away.

"Oh yeah," said Ash, "let's go!"

I nodded and shot toward the ship, being careful not to go too fast. I didn't want to make the same mistake I did with my brother.

Elsewhere... (3rd Person P.O.V.)

"Cyrus sir, Hunter J has sighted the Latios and Latias you wanted,"

"Excellent, excellent, have they been captured?"

"We don't know sir, she said she would have them within a week provided we get her the money,"

"Well, Saturn," replied Cyrus, "wire the money to her, I want those Pokemon as soon as possible!"

"Yes sir!" Saturn saluted him before turning and leaving the room.

Cyrus watched her go. Good. Everything was going to plan. Once he had those Pokemon, nothing would be able to stop him. Just to make sure, he flicked on his computer and scrolled through his files. Finding the one he wanted, he clicked on it. To many, it would look like a bunch of jumbled nonsense. Not to him. To him, it was a message that, with a simple decoding technique, spelled out a prophecy that meant the difference between his success or failure.

In the days when humans will still know what matters,

In the days when legends are, to them, still unknown,

There will come, to the world, in a battle that shatters,

Two forces, good and evil, who have yet to be shown.

One will be hiding, in darkness and glower,

Waiting and readying for the time to arrive.

The other, though less so, will have great power.

If they can unlock it, they may just survive.

Who will prevail in this clash of ages?

The outcome, though tricky, can easily change.

If evil takes eons then it victory stages,

If not, then good shall freely in triumph range.


"I think that ship is just flying in circles," said Ash after we had been flying for about 2 hours.

"They could still be looking for Latios and Latias," said Pikachu.

Ash nodded. "I wish I could let them out, but it's too risky,"

"Hmm, do you think Team Galactic wanted that woman to capture them?" I asked, having thought about it for a while.

"Why would they want them though?" asked Ash, "It's not like they could have known or anything..."

"I don't know," I replied, "something just feels wrong,"

Ash pulled out his Pokedex. "Hmm, it looks like we are going somewhere. Just... very slowly,"

"What do you mean?" asked Pikachu.

Ash pointed to the map. "It looks like we've been going this way,"

"Towards Veilstone City?" asked Pikachu.

"Looks like it," said Ash, "alright Michael, we're heading that way," He pointed to what I think was the east. I nodded and flew off.

Meanwhile... (3rd person P.O.V)

Cyrus looked up from his computer to a knock on his door. "Come in."

A man with Mauve har and red-tinted glasses walked in. He had a smug expression on his face as he walked into the room. "Greetings sir, I have good news,"

"And what might that be Charon?" asked Cyrus.

Charon smirked. "We have successfully obtained the Draco and the Blank plates as well as the Dread and Earth plates we already have,"

"Very good," said Cyrus, "I might consider giving you a raise," Charon beamed. "Tell you what, you get me one more plate and I'll permeately double your wages."

"Yes sir!" said Charon, saluting, "I'll have that plate for you in no time!"

"Is there anything else you wanted to tell me?" asked Cyrus.


"Come on, spit it out."

"Sir, I know we're getting these plates to control Arceus and all that but... What is it all for?"

"Why I thought you knew!" said Cyrus, "Once we have control of Arceus, we will easily be able to command Dialga and Palkia to create a new universe for us. One where all can be at peace. No more suffering, no more pain. We will create a new world with a fresh start for all of us!"

"But why not just capture Dialga and Palkia using the red chain we created sir?"

"The reason, Charon," replied Cyrus, "is that Dialga and Palika are powerful Pokemon. So powerful, that if we try to control them with the Red Chain, we might not survive."

"They are that powerful sir?"

"They are, and should be treated as such..." Cyrus paused, "Alright, Charon, you may go now."

"Yes sir!"


Sorry for the shortness here!

I know, I know, it's been WAY too long since I updated this but I had to wrap up 'A Legendary Week' and a lot of other things happened in my life...

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter! Here's to faster updates in the future!

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