Train it to Win it!

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Chapter 13

"So... what now?" asked Ash.

"Bed, then Z-moves in the morning?" asked Pikachu.

"That sounds good," said Ash, "what do you guys think?"

"I'm fine with that," I replied.

"Me too," said Latias.

"Yeah, that's fine," said Latios.

"Alright then," said Ash, "let's get some rest."

The next morning we woke up to an alarm clock that Pikachu had tampered with to make it smell like curry. Needless to say, Ash woke up in an instant and was immediately disappointed.

"Pikachu!" said Ash, "I thought I told you I hated food-scented alarm clocks?"

"You did," said Pikachu, "but it's the only way to wake you up without shocking you. Would you prefer that next time?"

Ash groaned. "But it's only 6:00!"

"Don't forget," said Latios, "Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf told us Team Galactic is very powerful and none of us are that strong yet,"

"And," said Pikachu, "we have no idea how long it will take to get that Z-move down,"

"Alright," said Ash, "let's get started!" His stomach rumbled. "Uh, after breakfast,"

After a nice breakfast from the Pokemon Center, we flew to a nice clearing in the forest which Ash deemed perfect for training.

"Alright guys," said Ash, "let's start! Pikachu, use Thunderbolt on that rock!"

"Hey Michael," said Latias, "want to try Psychic again?"

"Sure," I said, eager to get full control over my new skill.

"Ok," said Latias, "this time I think we should do it a little differently, what do you think brother?"

"Yes, I think I have the perfect idea," said Latios.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Since the rocks didn't seem to work too well," replied Latios, "we're going to do a different kind of training. I'm going to use Psychic to try to force you downwards while you try to stay up. Don't worry, I'll make it so the Psychic doesn't hurt you,"

I hesitated for a second before nodding. After all, anything seemed better than blowing up more rocks. "Sure," I replied.

"Ok," said Latios, "on the count of 3 1... 2... 3!"

I cringed as I felt an immense force pushing me down. I put more force into my levitation to maintain my balance but it was still very hard to stay up. The feeling was like trying to run up a steep hill with a bag of rocks tied to my back. Eventually, after managing to stay up for about a few minutes (though it felt like hours), I collapsed on the ground, thoroughly exhausted.

"Wow," said Latios, "I didn't expect you to last that long, you did really well for your first try."

"Yeah," said Latias, "that was great!"

"Thanks," I said, breathing heavily as I shakily re-enabled my levitation.

"Now that you've done that," said Latios, "why don't you try to move that rock over there?"

"Are you sure?" I asked, "I haven't done any other training since I blew up all those other rocks,"

"Just give it a try," said Latias with a glimmer of knowing in her eyes.

"Alright," I said focusing on the rock Latios had pointed out. To my surprise, I felt much more in control of it and was able to even relax a little as I moved it.

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