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Mariah Jones 🫤

I was so mad right now. Like so mad to the point where I wanted to fuck somebody up! Because what gives you the right to deprive me of a family?!

"Mariah, calm down." Brian says

"Nooo, they're wrong! Why would they deprive me of having a family?! I did them nothing wrong and they ruined my life like this, for no reason!!! You already killed my dad, but then for you to keep me away from my uncle like that is even worst. Why?" I said in tears

"It's gon' be ight slime. Don't cry." Kentrell said as he took his hoodie and wiped my tears

Awe🥹. How sweet? Mariah, focus girl!

"What this is?"

"Put that down." Ten said as he snatched a piece of paper from Kd

"Nah, that look important. Mariah, you might wanna look at that." Kd said

Ten handed me the paper and I looked at it seeing some bullshit about overseas accou-- Oh no! This is important.

"Brian, we gotta go." I said

"My keys. I don't have my keys." He says while patting his pockets

"But I do." I said as I held them up

"Oh, I cannot stand you." Brian says as he snatched the keys

We left the venue and happened to run into Malcolm.

"Oh yeah, you're coming with me." I said as I pulled him by his arm

"Okay, I guess." He says

We got to the car and got in. Malcolm of course got in the back seat and Brian put the child locks on.

"Aye bro, don't do no funny shit." I said

"Okay. It's your world." Malcolm says with his hands up

We went to pull off but damn near ran over Kentrell.

"Say mane, lemme innis bitch." Kentrell spoke as he tapped on the hood of the car

Kentrell got in the back seat with Malcolm and just gave him the most evilest look.

"Who the fuck is this nigga again?"

"My father's evil twin." I said

"Oh... Whatever." Kentrell says

"Where are we going exactly?" Brian asks

"Hm." I spoke as I handed him my phone

"Should I speed or no?" Brian asks

"Um, no. The speed limit's 35." Malcolm says

"Who asked you to talk?" Kentrell frowned

"Aye, woah!!" Malcolm yelled

"Shut the fuck up." Kentrell spoke as he pointed his gun at Malcolm

"Mariah? Ehh..."

"Oh, you'll be fine. He's not gonna shoot you for real." I said

"Well can he move the gun then?" Malcolm asks

"Hell nah li' nigga, ion know you or trust you. Especially not 'round my bitch." Kentrell says

"I will crash this fucking car. Don't ever say that again." Brian spoke as he glared in the rearview mirror

"You shut up too, cuz' I'm sicka you." Kentrell spoke

"Brian, speed please." I said

"Yes ma'am. Seatbelts everyone, so we can be safe." Brian spoke causing me to laugh

"Ight now Dora." Kentrell spoke

"I actually kinda like that show." Brian says

"I fucking hate that hoe." I said

"What? She's a cool kid. Not as cool as you, but she's cool." Brian says

"Thank you." I said

After that, everybody got quiet and we just rode for like 45 minutes til' we got to the airstrip.

"We going on vacation or.... What's this."

"Didn't I tell you shut up?" Kentrell asked Malcolm

"Listen, I was trying to be cool. But I really don't wanna have to fuck you up." Malcolm spoke

"Mariah, just say the word and I swea' on Dump grave this puss'ass li' nigga gone!" Kentrell spoke

"Calm down trigger finger." I spoke

"Sit down and shut up." Brian says to Malcolm as he pointed to a seat

"Why am I being treated like a bad guy?"

"Cuz' we don't know you bruh." I spoke

I sat down and started looking at some more if the paperwork from this briefcase.

"Yeah, this here is interesting. Because this court battle--"

"Did she ask you for your input?" Kentrell spoke

"Shut the hell up, I'm not talking to you kid." Malcolm spoke

"Aye gang, I hope you wasn't leaving without us?" Man Man spoke as he and some of the guys got on the plane

"Yeah, we not doing that shorty." Von spoke up

I just shook my head and continued looking at the paperwork.

"What's this about?" I asked Malcolm as I turned the paper around

"Okay, see. That is what I was trying to explain before I was rudely interrupted. I almost won that case. The judge decided to have a little heart and told me I had 30 days to find me a job, have a stable place to live, which I had, and to be able to keep you fed, in school or daycare, and have you well taken care of. So I did all of that and 30 days later, we go to court. So the judge looks at everything. I literally did everything he told me to and you know what he did..." Malcolm explained

"What?" I spoke

"He laughs. He said 'sir, I know this is your niece and you love her very much and I know you did all of what I told you to, but I am not gonna grant you custody' and he grants them custody. And they gave you to the state." Malcolm spoke

"That's some fucked up shit.... My fault, I'mma stay quiet." Kd spoke

"Ight, this what I need from you. I need names of every single person involved in these battles. Don't play with me either because I'll double check." I spoke

"Okay." Malcolm nodded

"You really should be celebrating. Like I get this important for you folks, but you just had a big ass performance that you really should be celebrating." Von spoke

"He right Mariah. We could handle all this when the plane land." Kentrell says

"Mhm." Kd nodded

"I fucking hate my life at this point." I mumbled

"It's gonna be okay bestie. We're gonna get through this. You in it, so we in it too." Amelia says

"Thank you honey." I spoke

"You're welcome."

"Congratulations, ayeee!!!" Man Man yelled as he sprayed a bottle of champagne everywhere

"Oh my God!" I laughed

"I'm hungry." Megan says

"Me too, I'm fucking starving gang." Herb says

"Yeah." I said

Fine time to get hungry when we done already got on the plane. Hunger has a fucked up time of showing up doesn't it?






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