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Mariah Jones🫠

I was behind Brian as we crept up to the front door of this run down old house. We got a tip that my mother was hiding out here and I swear I was so anxious to see if it's true. Because if she is here, I am gonna fucking kill that bitch.

"3.. 2.. 1." Brian spoke before kicking in the door

Brian and I along with our little crew of soldiers ran up in this bitch and saw 2 people on what I'm assuming was a sofa knocked out sleep. But I paid them no mind and went upstairs to see if anyone was up here. I checked the first room and no one was in there then checked the bathroom, empty. After that I went to the last room that was up here and found a woman on top of a guy and they both were sleeping. I walked up to them and seen my mother's face... But what bothered me was the guy she was asleep with. It was Reese.

"Aye who is you?!"

"Get up." I said while aiming the gun at them both as I clicked the light on

"How the hell did you get here?!" Reese asks

"I SAID GET UP!" I yelled

"Well well, my little girl has grown up to be a cop... Just like your tired ass father."

"If you move I'll blow this bitch like a trumpet. Don't try me." I said as I seen Reese looking as if he was finna run at me or something

"Don't talk to him like that! Show some respect to your step father."

"Bitch you ain't even my mama for real so how can he be my step father?" I said

"You watch your mouth with me girl. I am still your mother whether you want to accept that or not."

"Mariah. Put the gun down and help me cuff them, don't do anything stupid." Brian says

"For over 13 years I believed you were dead. I saw you as a beautiful person who didn't deserve to die. You nor my father but to find out you're the reason he's dead is what pisses me off. You deserve hell and beyond for what you did to him." I said

"Oh please! Your father was nothing but a lousy bastard who did nothing but go to work and worry about you all the fucking time."

"As my father and as a real man, that's what he was supposed to do. But of course you wouldn't know that because you didn't work." I said

"But I took care of your little brat ass. I never even wanted you. If it was left up to me, you wouldn't even be here." She says

I don't know what, but something went off in me and I just snapped. I pulled the trigger 3 times and each bullet hit her.

"You want some too?! Cuz' I don't mind you sharing a casket with her." I said

"Nah ahn." Reese spoke as he quickly shook his head with his hands up

Brian walked over and cuffed Reese before checking my birth giver's pulse. He just looked up at me before using his radio to call for an ambulance.

"You better be fucking lucky she's not dead." Brian whispered to me

"Fuck that hoe." I said before turning to walk off

>>>>>4 hours later.

I was sitting in this precinct just staring at pictures of my father.

"I got her papa." I spoke before smiling a lil bit while running my thumb across the picture

"She's not severely injured. Stunned, but not severe. So you're okay for now. But don't do that again." Brian says

"Next time I'll make sure to get a head shot." I said

"What? Noooo! That's not-- Mariah I feel your frustration I really do because your father meant something to me too, but you can't shoot her like that." Brian says

"Yeah I know I can't shoot her like that no more so next time I'll shoot her in the head and dead that shit quicker." I said

"Oh my God." Brian sighed

"I'm going home. Call me if you need me." I spoke

"Okay, get home safe kiddo." Brian spoke

"I will."

I left the precinct and went home and thank God nobody was here because I am not in the mood for no shenanigans today. I just wanna take a nice hot shower and go the fuck to sleep. I don't even wanna eat like, that's how tired I am.

Kentrell Gaulden😑

"Jessica shut the fuck up!!" Yungy yelled

"Don't be yelling at me like that." Jessica says

"I have all y'all bruh, I swear fo' God I do." I said

"What we do?" Quando asks

"Not you nigga, he talking about them." Herm spoke


"This the first time in forever I done wanted so bad for a bitch to turn 18 and the reason is not to fuck her. I can't wait to get rid of yo ass." I said while picking up my phone

"Well I'm not going nowhere so you might as well love me." Jessica says with this evil ass smile

"You talked to Mariah today?" I asked Megan

"Yeah, she said she was busy doing something with her dad's case." Megan spoke

"Ight bet." I spoke

I sent Mariah a text and waited a lil while to see if she'd reply but after 5 minutes, she didn't so I just put my phone down in my lap and went back to my previous conversation.

"Why you like Mariah so much? Like ion understand. What does she have or do that I don't?" Jessica asks

"She got a brain on her." I said

"So do I." Jessica says

"He don't mean a dick sucking brain, he mean her intelligence level is high." Kendell says

"Exactly." I said

"That bitch not allat smart. Like she be fooling y'all because y'all dumb, but I'm not. She conning the fuck outta you niggas." Jessica says

"Okay so if she conning us what the fuck you doing? Cuz I could've swore you was conman here. And call me dumb again. Fat forehead havin' ass bitch." Kd spoke

"I'm not conning nobody." Jessica says

"Yeah right." I said

"I mean, I really like you. But you so deep in her ass you not even tryna give me a legit chance to show you who I am. That's not fair." Jessica says

"Okay, now you just sounding a lil too thirsty sis. Pipe down." One of Jessica's friends said

"Shut the hell up." Jessica frowned

"I'm just saying."

"I'm not giving you a chance cuz' I don't fucking want you. I'm not finna sit up hea' and play witcho heart just cuz' you want me like you. No, fuck you." I said

This hoe a fuckin' duck mane. She evil and no good. Fuckin' with her ain't gon' get me nowhere but locked up in prison, hurt real bad, or dead. I'm not finna play wit' her mane.






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