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Mariah Jones 😨

“So I take it you got the job.” Nau’Jour says

“Not yet. I need to make some at home game uniforms and if they like it, then I got the job.” I said

“Ight then. But before you do that. Lemme talk to you.” Nau’Jour says

I sat my bags down and stood giving him my full attention.

“This looks like it's finna be a conversation that I don't wanna be here for so I'mma step on out and let y'all handle that.” Marco says

“Yeah, we gon’ step on out.” Rob says

All of Nau'Jour's homies left the room and it was just he and I.

“You thought about what we talked about?” He asks as he took a sip of his drink

“What exactly is that?” I asked

“About us?” He asked

“Us doing what? Going on tour again?” I asked

“Mcht... You know damn well I ain't talking about no fucking tour man. Stop playin’ with me.” He frowned

“Then what are you-- Ohhhh!” I said

“Yeah.” Nau’Jour spoke

“Boy I already told you I'm not doing that shit. Do you need anything else?” I said

“Nah, that's it.” He smirked

“You get on my damn nerves. I'mma tell Samaria to beat yo ass.” I spoke

“She ain't finna be at shit but this meat.” He chuckled

“Yeah ight, don't get fucked up tryna be funny.” I spoke as I opened the door causing him to laugh

I left the room and for some reason as I walked past Skilla Baby, he just gave me this long, drawn out stare down. Almost like he was undressing me with his eyes or something.

“How you doin’?” He spoke

“I’m good.” I giggled

“You mind if I take a few minutes of your time?” Skilla asks

“No, I don't mind. Follow me.” I said

I led him to my dressing room and as I sat all my belongings down, I just looked around before grabbing some water and plopping down on the floor then taking a deep sigh.

“So how can I help you Mr. Skilla?” I asked as I pulled out a sketch pad and some markers

“You know, I think what you doing with that group home is pretty cool. I hear you got another game coming up in about 4 months. How I get in on that?” He says

“Just go to the website and click the three little lines and it'll have a tab that says Charity Events. Click that and choose which one you wanna sign up for and you're good to go.” I said

“What’s the link to that?” He asks

I took his phone and sent him to the website before handing his phone back to him. He stood there for about 5 minutes just looking at the phone before I saw him start tapping away.

*Door Knocking*

“Come in!” I said

I turned to look back at the door and saw Rob walking in.


“Hi. Everything okay?” I asked

“Yeah, I just wanted to see what y'all doing in here.” Rob spoke

Adopted By NBA YoungBoy 2: A Toxic World{An NBA YoungBoy Story}Where stories live. Discover now