Seventy Seven

52 3 0

Mariah Jones💋

The crew and I had left the restaurant and were in the car just riding. I don't know if we're going back to the hotel or shopping. Because Toosii did say he wanted to take us shopping.

"Where are we going?" Megan asks

"Just sit back and enjoy the ride please." Amelia said

"You don't just do that, that's how people get kidnapped. We need to know where we going." Megan said

"We going shopping bruh. If you got a problem with that, I can drop you back at the hotel. But please don't aggravate me while I'm driving." Toosii spoke

"Well I was just asking a legit question, dang. You ain't gotta be so rude." Megan said

"Jesus, girl please hush. I fuck witchu' but please be quiet." Brittany says

"So I guess it's hop on Megan time now huh?" Megan said

"You like ice cream?" Toosii asks

"Yeah. Why you ask?" I asked

"Cuz' we finna spin the block and go to this lil ice cream spot." Toosii said

We made the U-Turn and pulled up to this little ice cream spot and it looked so freaking cute. Like the color of it, the little stickers and shit on the sign, it was a cute place.

"Ouu, this is so cute." Samaria said as we got out

"Can I pay for the ice cream at least since you paid for lunch?" I asked

"No." Toosii frowned

"Girl, stop trying to pay for shit! He got it." Megan said

"Sometimes it don't hurt to offer." I said mugging her

She definitely getting on my nerves right now. Sis just shut the fuck up. Anyway, we walked up to the window and looked at the menu before a girl came to the window squealing in excitement.

"Oh my God, Toosii, Mariah!"

"Wassup." He spoke

"Hey." I spoke

"Can we get a picture with y'all?"

"Sure." I said

The girls came out of a little door on the side of the building and Samaria took their pictures for them.

"Oh my God, you are so pretty in person." One of the girls tells me

"Thank you." I smiled

"Okay, now let's get y'all orders." The girl said before they went back inside

"I don't know what I want though." Brittany says

"Me neither it all looks so good." Samaria said

"I think I want this one." I pointed

"That looks good, but I want this one right here." Amelia said

"Ouuu yeah that looks good too." I said

"What you getting baby?" Samaria asks

"I don't know. Whatever y'all get I guess." Toosii shrugged while staring at his phone

"Ugh, just go fuck her already. You getting on my nerves just staring at her pictures like she's not right there!" Samaria said

"You getting on my nerves keep putting me on blast like that." Toosii said

"Whatever." Samaria said

"I love you." Toosii spoke before kissing her on the forehead

Anyway, after getting our ice cream we ate it on the ride to the mall and it was so good. But just as we was sitting in the car finishing up our delightful desserts, Twin Nem starts playing from my phone. I looked down at it and saw Von was calling.

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