Fourty Three

52 4 1

Mariah Jones🐕

I pulled my phone out and called Christopher and he answered on like the 3rd ring.

"Hello mama. You here yet?"

"Yeah, I'm here. But the security didn't wanna let me in. Talking about some, I'm not listed as one of your visitors so he just slammed the door in my face. Listen, I'm about to leave, but I just wanted to let you know that your security is rude as hell." I said

"No no no no no, don't leave. I'm coming let you in right now. Which door you at?"

"Uhhh this door that says private entrance stage 7." I said

"Okay just hang tight, I'll be right there." He says

He must've started running because before he hung up, I heard some footsteps pounding at the floor. And about 2 minutes later, the door opens again and it's an out of breath Christopher.

"I'm here." He says as he tried to catch his breath

"Hey." I dryly spoke

"Hi." Christopher spoke

I stepped inside and he seriously looked like he was about to have a heart attack.

"Are you okay?" I asked

"Yeah yeah, I'll be okay." Christopher says

We stood there for like 3 more minutes and after he finally caught his breath, he started showing me around the set.

"Watch it!" Somebody yelled causing Christopher to yank me out of the way before a big crane looking machine speeds past

"I'm sorry. There's gonna be a lot of that going on around here. So just be careful." Christopher spoke

"Okay." I nodded

"There's food and drinks if you get hungry or anything. These movie sets always have little food posts set up all around so that way we won't have to walk from like way over there to come over here and get food or anything. You don't have to ask, just grab whatever you want, it's all here for everybody. Umm, then out here is our dressing rooms. I'm gonna introduce you to some of the cast." Christopher says

"Sounds good." I said

I followed him to this trailer and he knocked on the door. A couple seconds later somebody comes to the door.

"How you doin' baby? What's yo name?"

"Where Wesley go?" Christopher asks

"He in the bathroom. You must be Mariah, right?" Allen Payne spoke

"Yeah. It's nice to meet you." I spoke as I shook his hand

"It's nice to meet you too. I'm Allen. That over there is my boys. You got Michael, Robert, James, and Gangji." Allen introduced

"Oh... Hi." I said before looking at Christopher

I gave him this "why he got that name" look and he did the smoking signal causing me to nod.

"How old are you sweetheart?" Allen asks as he leaned up against this lil table

"18." I said

"Barely legal." Allen chuckled

"When I tell you, that was the best piss I ever took in my life. Woooo brother." Wesley Snipes says as he came from the bathroom

"Aye man, cut that out we got a young lady in here." Allen spoke

"My apologies, I didn't see her. How you doing?"

"I'm good. How are you?" I spoke with this uncomfortable, forced smile

"You showed her around the set?" Allen asks

"Yeah, the beginning parts. Just the food set up and here." Christopher spoke

"It's nice to have you apart of the team. You seem pretty cool." Allen says

"I'm sorry what team?" I asked

"You've been casted to be apart of the movie. That's why you're here." Allen says causing Christopher to face palm himself

"And when the fuck were you gonna tell me this?" I asked

"See, I was gonna tell you. But after I showed you around the set. Kinda like a surprise." Christopher spoke

"And how the fuck did I get cast for something when I never auditioned or anything?" I asked

You know what, this industry ain't for me. I'm ready to go. Like Tokyo Toni said. I'm ready to get the fuck, ASAP, after this shit!

"Well I kinda promised the directors and stuff that you'd do it with no problems and you also get to be on the movie soundtrack. So that'll be good for you to get that boost for your music career." Christopher says

"How big is the check that I'm being cut?" I asked while folding my arms across my chest

"Is money really a big discussion we need to have now?" Christopher asks

"Yes nigga, I got people to feed. How much am I getting paid?" I said

"She's a smart one, I like her Chris." Wesley Snipes smirked

"Okay uhh, we can talk about that later."

"I ain't talking about shit later. Stop fucking playing with me bro. You already volunteered me for some bullshit that I ain't even agree to, then you sitting up here playing with me about this money. Motherfucker you for 2 seconds to tell me how much I'm getting paid!" I said

"Jesus!" Wesley chuckled as he shook his head

"You're not getting paid. It's kind of just a promotion deal. You get in the movie, it'll show your face and plus with you being on the movie soundtrack, it'll boost your music career quick so it's no payment financially." Christopher says

"Haa! I wish the fuck I would." I said

I pulled my phone out and called Brian while heading for the door.

"Wait wait, where you going?"

"Nigga I'm not working for free! Do I look like a volunteer at the salvation army to you?" I asked

"What's going on?"

"This motherfucker tryna get me to do a movie and talking about I'm not getting paid for it. Boy what the fuck you think this is?!" I said as I made my way to the exit

"Who?" Brian asks

I ran the situation down to him and he just laughed. That's not funny Brian!

"I swear you're the smartest person alive. That's what you're supposed to do in any business situation. If they're not paying you for your hard work then you walk out on their ass!" Brian says

"Huh. You not finna work me like a slave and not pay me bitch, no sir." I said

"And how the fuck does he feel like he can just make that agreement on your behalf without your damn permission? That's like forging someone's signature." Brian says

"Exactly. These people feel like just because I'm new to this industry shit that they can just treat me any kinda way, like no sir. Fuck you!" I said

"Hold up a minute, let me talk to you."

I just rolled my eyes as I pushed open the door to leave. I just completely ignored whoever was behind me and went on to the car where Corbin was waiting.

Hellooooo everybody!

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.

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Word Count: 1,151

Adopted By NBA YoungBoy 2: A Toxic World{An NBA YoungBoy Story}Where stories live. Discover now