45 3 1

Brian Mendez 🌄

I rushed outside after hearing some yelling, gunshots, and more yelling. When I got outside I looked seeing a crowd of people gathered around somebody laying on the ground. I rushed over and moved some people out of the way seeing it was Mariah and she laying on the ground looking as if she was in shock.

“Oh my God.” I said

I got down on the ground and ripped her hoodie open seeing multiple bullet indentions in her vest. It looked like a full clip was unloaded on her and majority of those bullets seemed to have pierced through the vest.

“Hey, hey. Look at me. Here.” I said while snapping my fingers

“Ohhhh that shit hurt.” Mariah choked out

“Good, good, good. That's more like it.” I said

“These shits weak as hell.” Mariah said

“Yeah, majority of the bullets went straight through kid.” I said

“Oh well that fucking sucks.” She says

“What the fuck happened?”

“The fucking ambulance is taking too long. Can you move at all?” Lee spoke

“This might hurt.” I said before going to scoop Mariah up

“Oww!!” She complained

“I'm so very sorry.” I said

I put her in the back seat of my truck and ran around to get in the driver's seat. I sped off and pushed this sucker into the highest and fastest gear it could go in and I almost caused a couple of wrecks, but I didn't care. I was gonna make sure she made it to this hospital and survived.


“Yeah buddy, I'm here.” I said while looking in the rearview mirror

“Brian please put me out of my misery, this shit hurts so bad!” Mariah cried out

“No, no. I'm not gonna do that. You're gonna hold on until we get to this hospital. You're gonna be just fine.” I said

“But it hurts and I can't breathe!” She said

My heart was breaking in so many pieces right now. I lost her father who was a big, positive influence in my life and career, just lost Frank a few months back, and I'll be damned if I lose her. I made a promise to keep her safe for as long as I live after her father died and I'm gonna keep that promise.

“Hey, you remember when you first started blowing up? How excited you were?” I said

“Oh fuck off.” She said causing me to laugh

“I don't think I ever told you how truly proud of you I am. And if this is gonna be the last conversation we have, I'm sorry I didn't try harder to get custody of you and keep you safe from all those people. But I'm proud of everything you've done and I need you to hang on and keep going because you can do so much more. Okay?” I said

“Okay.” She said

I pulled into the hospital parking lot on damn near 1 wheel and slammed on brakes so hard while parking the truck. I hopped out and grabbed Mariah out of the car before rushing inside with her.

Thankfully, there weren't really too many people here and they took her in the back really quick. After filling out her paperwork, I gave it to the nursing staff and they got her checked in. I just started pacing back and forth before sitting down for a few minutes, looking at my watch, then I got up and started pacing again.

Adopted By NBA YoungBoy 2: A Toxic World{An NBA YoungBoy Story}Where stories live. Discover now