Eighty Eight

57 3 0

Mariah Jones💟

I rushed out of the room and found Larry and the rest of my little security team standing by the door and it was a big shouting match going on too. What the hell?

"You cannot be here! You spray painted graffiti on the back fucking wall in the back of the building and you have the nerve to show up here?! Get away or I will have your ass arrested for vandalism." Larry shouted

"Hey, just let it go." I said

"Aye Top, yo girl gang here!" Von said


"Yo girl gang... Lemme talk to you." Von spoke before grabbing me by my arm and pulling me off down a hallway

"What?" I said

"What the fuck you doing letting folks hit you like that?! Fuck I tell you 'bout that shit?" Von asks

"I can't control his urges, emotions, not actions! So you can't blame me for him hitting me." I frowned

"I'm not blaming you. But what I been telling yo ass is to stay away from that nigga bruh! He don't love you and he ain't no fucking good." Von shouted

"I FUCKING KNOW THAT DAYVON!! I know that shit already, you don't have to rub it the fuck in!" I yelled

"Who you yelling at?!" He asks

"You, nigga!!" I yelled

"Lower yo voice wit' me gang." Von spoke

"Boy fuck you!" I said

Von really hurt my feelings with what he just said. Like I can clearly see Kentrell don't love me and he ain't no good, but you do not have to say that shit like that. That hurts!!

"Don't touch me!" I screamed while yanking away from him before walking off

"Mcht, I'm not done talking to you!" Von said

"No cuz' you didn't have to say that shit like that Von!! That hurts! You don't think I know that shit?!" I said

"If you know that, then why put up wit' it?" Von said

"Because for me, it's better to have something than nothing. But you wouldn't know anything about that because you have people who'd never leave you. Ever." I said

"Mariah, I'm sorry. C'mea I'm sorry, I ain't mean it like that!" Von said as he grabbed me

"Let me go!" I said as I pushed him

I just walked past everybody and out to my car. I'm so fed up with all of this. I don't like the fact that I have abandonment issues. So sometimes I just feel like having a piece of something or someone is better than having nothing at all.

I honestly feel like I'm overreacting, but at the same time that shit that Von just said still hurt my feelings. After Kentrell hit me, I can clearly see that he doesn't care about me or want me. It just hurts hearing somebody else say that shit out loud.

>>>>>1 hour later.

I was back inside putting the finishing touches on all of this stuff and it was going good so far... Well, that's until Kentrell walked up.

"Why you tell them I hit you? Why the fuck you ain't lie like I told you to?" Kentrell spoke

"Cuz' I'm not about to protect somebody who fucking hit me Kentrell. What is wrong with you?" I said

"Mcht, but we don't need err'body in our business mane. Like you should've kept that shit between us and God." He said

"Please get out of my face. I'm not in the mood for this. You see I'm busy bouncing around doing stuff. Leave me the fuck alone." I said

"But you gotta tell them you lied cuz' ion want nobody looking at me funny. I'm sorry for hitting you bae, I'm so sorry." Kentrell said

"Mariah, you want us to separate the donated goods or just collect them?" Samaria asks as she walked up and pushed Kentrell out the way

"Uhhh, sh-- Fuck. Just um, just collect them." I said while trying to gather my thoughts

"Okay. Don't worry boo, we here for you. We got yo back girl." Samaria said



I looked back and saw Kentrell's friend Mikey and some girl with him. She's really pretty.

"How you doin'?" Mikey spoke as he went to give me a hug but was stopped by Kentrell

"What?" Mikey frowned

"Don't do that." Kentrell says

"Hey Mikey." I spoke as I extended my right arm for a hug

"What's wrong witchu'? You being all territorial today for what?" Mikey asks

"I see you feel like playin' wit' me today." Kentrell says

".... Okay. This my girl Jocelyn, Jocelyn this Mariah and Top." Mikey introduced

"Hey, it's nice to meet y'all." Jocelyn waved

"Hey." I smiled

"What the fuck happened to yo face?" Mikey frowned

"Ugh..." I said while rolling my eyes

"Here." Toosii spoke as he walked up and handed Kentrell some ice

"What this fa'?" Kentrell asked looking confused

"For this." Lloyd spoke before he hauled off and hit Kentrell causing Toosii and Booka to jump in

"OH! NO, STOP IT!!!" I screamed in shock

"Hit on a real nigga! Hit me motherfucker!" Lloyd yelled as he stomped on Kentrell

I tried my best to pull all three of them off of him, but it's one of me and 3 of these grown ass men. Not possible.

"Come on man, chill out, chill out." Durk spoke as he pulled Booka away

"I been told y'all that nigga was goofy bro! Fuck him." Booka yelled

"Bitch!!" Toosii yelled before spitting on Kentrell

"No! Why-- Stop it, please!" I said

"How yo face feel now? Huh?" Lloyd asks as he squatted down in front of Kentrell

"If anybody asked, tell 'em you was tryna snatch away from yo homies and hit your face on the bleachers. Okay?" Lloyd spoke before giving a smile

"FUCK!!" I screamed before walking off

I'm honestly so over all of this. Just fuck up my day why don't you. Go right ahead and ruin what Mariah got going on!






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