Thirty Nine

55 2 0

Lloyd Polite Jr.🥰

Okay, like I can't even lie Mariah is so damn fine and that look she give when she pissed off is sexy as hell. Now I may be wrong for just kissing her like that, but can you blame me? I mean she's attractive as hell, very intelligent, and she's short... I like short women. And that damn attitude of her, oh my God. That don't play attitude like 'you not finna play with me', oh damn. Don't get me started on that shit right there. This girl a beast and I want her so damn bad.

"Slap on a condom first man."

"What?" I said as I popped outta my thoughts

"You staring like you just wanna go run up in her right now in front of everybody. Slap on a condom first." Irv says

"Aye aye, c'mere." I said as soon as I seen Mariah's best friends

"Who? Me?"

"Yes, you. C'mere." I said as I got up

We stepped off away from everyone and I asked them the question.

"Does Mariah like me?"

"What?" Megan said

"Come on, don't give me that look. Tell me the truth, does she like me?" I said

"Yes, we all do. I mean if we didn't, you wouldn't be here right now." Amelia says

"That's not what I meant. Does she like me like uhhh, like would she date me kinda like? Not my music." I said

"Oh, that ion know. You gotta ask her that yourself." Amelia says while scratching her ear

"Yeah, that's not our business to be telling. But it was nice talking to you." Megan says as she patted my shoulder before walking off

"Thanks for nothing ladies." I said

"You're welcome."

I walked back to my spot and sat down. And a couple minutes later, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up and seen YoungBoy standing over me.

"Wassup man?" I spoke

"Yeah, lemme talk to you real quick." He said

"Ight." I said

I got up and followed him into the kitchen and sat down at the island to see what he wanted.

"You want my girl don't you?" He asks while going in the refrigerator

"Who's your girl?" I asked

"Stop playing dumb wit' me... You know I'm talking about Mariah." He said

"I actually didn't know y'all were a thing. My bad." I said

"Nah it's cool, we actually not together but you know how it go. She not mine but she still mine. Feel me?" He said

"That's crazy, I never knew." I shrugged

"But look, I ain't even tryna start no shit witchu' bruh. I just wanted to tell you that if she gives you a chance... Just do right by her and treat her better than I did." He spoke

"Yeah, of course." I nodded

"Do me that solid and y'all can do whatever you want together. But if I find out you did one small thing to piss her off, I'm at yo head and I'm not playing." He said

"Who the fuck do you think you are? A black, ghetto Liam Neeson? I'm not scared of you nigga." I said before laughing

"Yeah ight, I'm just letting you know that I'm not playing behind her." He spoke

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