Fourty Five

71 4 3

Mariah Jones💁🏾‍♀️

So I just got here to Atlanta like 3 hours ago and I was waiting outside this building for Brian but his ass was late! I'm going to cuss him out so bad when he gets here. After like 5 more minutes of waiting, I get a text from Brian telling me to go ahead and go inside the building and he'd be here shortly. You know what, I'm not gonna say shit, I'mma just go inside bro.

I walked inside the building and the first thing I saw was a directory sign and there were like 3 people sitting behind the desk thing so I walked up to it and waited behind the two people that were in front of me. This area here looked really nice and I was so amazed by the lighting and decor in here and shit.

"Hi, my name is Mariah and I have a meeting with P and Coach K. I was wondering if maybe you knew where their office was or something?" I spoke

"Okay, give me one second and I'll call up for you." The guy behind the desk says

"Thanks." I said

It took like 2 minutes, but after he got off the phone and rolled awake from the desk and over to a box of pens.

"Okay, so you're going to be going up to the 11th floor and you take these gold elevators over here. When you get up here, look for this conference room number and you should find them there honey. If you need anything else, my name is Robin and you can find one of the phones on the wall and tap the directory button and it'll lead you straight down here to us. Alright?"

"Alright, thank you so much. You have a nice day." I said as I took the sticky note from him

"Oh you're so welcome. I love that dress, it's so nice." Robin says

You could tell Robin was either gay or he just talked really proper and liked cute clothing.

"Thank you! I actually got it off Shein for 5 dollars." I said

"No way girlfriend! That is hot." He says

I just laughed and walked off to the gold elevators and pressed the button. When the elevator came, I got on and pressed to go up to the 11th floor like Robin told me to and it was a quick damn ride up there. So quick that I blinked once and was up here. Nice.

So I got off the elevator and looked at the sticky note that Robin gave me which I had stuck to my phone and I started walking down the call to the right to see where this room was. It took me forever to find it because I had to go right off the elevator, make a left turn, then go all the way to the end of that hallway. Like damn. But anyway, when I get to the room door, I knocked and heard a voice say 'come in' so I walked in.

"Hi." I smiled with a wave

"Mariah... Nice to see you again." P spoke

"Wassup shawty. You good?" Lil Baby spoke as he stood up and greeted me with a hug

"Yeah, I'm fine. Hi." I spoke as I shook P's hand

"Well uhh, this is Lil Baby as you already know. That there is the City Girls, you already met Yung Miami, that's JT. This is our account Thomas Fields, our lawyer James Acryn, and this is the tour manager, Lila Jenkins." P introduced

"Hi, it's nice to meet you guys. I'm Mariah." I spoke

"I'm not a guy, but hey." Lila says

"You know what the fuck she meant. Shut up." P growled

"You could have a seat." Lil Baby spoke as he pulled my chair out

"Oh, thanks." I said

"You're welcome." Lil Baby spoke

Adopted By NBA YoungBoy 2: A Toxic World{An NBA YoungBoy Story}Where stories live. Discover now