Eighty One

49 3 2

Mariah Jones🤭

So it was now like 4 in the morning and we were just making it to Jacksonville Florida and I'm so fucking tired man. But I know one damn thing Megan is about to make me snap on her. She is getting on my fucking nerves bro.

"Your phone's ringing girl. Answer it, that's annoying." Megan said

"Bitch shut the fuck up! Like dead ass bro, you really finna piss me the fuck off. You been bitching all fucking night since the show and you really need to shut up!!" I said

"What is wrong with you? Why you being so rude?"

"Because you tryna push my buttons. Like you tryna make me snap and now you got what the fuck you was looking for. I know my phone ringing bitch, I ain't fucking deaf! You ever hear of ignoring a call?" I said

"Well put it on silent then because that ringing is giving me a fucking headache dumbass!!"

"Come on man, just-- Come on." Toosii spoke as he waved us into the elevator

"Yes Brian?" I said

"Mariah you gotta get home now." Brian said

"Why?" I frowned

"There was a shooting and Frank got shot." Brian said

"WHAT?!" I said

"What's wrong?" Brittany said

"Yes, I don't-- I don't know if they're okay but somebody came to the door so he and RJae went to see who it was and when Frank opened the door, whoever it was just started shooting. Please come home." Brian said

"Okay, I'm on my way." I said as I instantly started crying

I pulled my phone away from my ear and started panicking a little bit but when the elevator doors opened, I took off out the door.

"Where you going?! What's wrong?" Amelia called after me

"They shot Frank." I said in tears

"Who shot who?" Samaria asks

"I need to get outta here. I need to go home." I cried

"Calm down, calm down. Friend wait a minute!"

I got down the stairs and back into the lobby and was trying to book the first flight back to Miami that I could get.

"Come here, hold up."

I turned around and saw Toosii and everybody running up behind me.

"Ma'am, is everything okay? Do you need help?"

"I need to get home." I said to Toosii

"Calm down and tell me what happened." Toosii said

"Brian just said that somebody came to the door so Frank and RJae went to answer the door and they got shot and he don't know if they're okay. That's all he told me." I said

"Ight, come on." He said

We all ran outside and back to the rental vehicle we had.

"Stay here with them. We gon' shoot back and see what's goin' on and we'll be back." Toosii said to his manager


"I'm coming with y'all." Brittany said

"Me too." Samaria said

Samaria, Brittany, and Amelia got in the car while Megan just stayed outside.

"Ain't RJae yo homie too?" Toosii asks

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