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Mariah Jones 🤭

I got home with everybody and we brought the groceries and stuff inside. Turns out I splurged a lot on all of this stuff.

"I can't believe you spent 1k on all this shit bro. That's crazy." Yazz spoke

"It ain't trickin' if you got it." I said

"I hear you big baller." Jacob spoke

"I wanna make this little thing my dad used to make me before he died. It was so good. Let me see if I can find his recipe book." I said

"Your pops was a chef?" Romeo asks

"Uhh no, he was law enforcement, but he cooked for fun for his family." Larry spoke

"Were y'all friends or something?" Romeo asks

"Not really, I just know a lot of great things about him." Larry says


I went and found my dad's recipe book and went back downstairs with it. I started to put away the things that needed to be put away and set up the stuff that we were about to cook.


"In the kitchen!" I said

A couple seconds later, Brian walked in and looked confused a little bit.

"What's this?" Brian asks

"We're doing a celebratory mukbang." I said

"Oh, okay. Uhh, did you get any music done?" Brian asks

"Tried to but YoungBoy decided to ruin the vibe." Serayah spoke

"As always." Brian spoke while sticking a toothpick in his mouth

"I'm gonna make my dad's Mari Balls." I said to Brian

"Okay. You can cook just like him, but those things there are a challenge to make. So good luck." Brian spoke

"I know but I think if I follow the recipe to a T, it'll be just like his. Or if not exactly like his, it'll be close." I said

"Okay." Brian spoke

"What are Mari balls?" Yazz asks

"They're like these little burgers rolled into a ball and he didn't wanna call them Mariah balls so he just called them Mari balls because I liked burgers so much as a kid and he did this delicious ass hot sauce to go with them."

"That's cute. I wish my daddy named a meal after me." Serayah spoke

"Is your dad still here?" Romeo asks

"Yeah." Serayah nodded

"Then be thankful for that. All she has is memories." Romeo spoke

"I know that, but I'm just saying--"

"I get what you were saying but come on man. Her pops ain't here and yours is."

What is his point here? I might be having a slow moment so y'all help me out with the confusion.

"Are you okay?" Jacob asked with one eyebrow raised

"I'm good. I just don't like when people take somebody else's situation and try to make it about them."

"That's not what she was doing though." Mario frowned

"Right. Like I wasn't even trying to do that. If I did make Mariah uncomfortable by my statement, I'm sure she would've told me." Serayah says

"I sure would have. Don't know why we're making a scene here." I said

"My fault, I just-- Nevermind." Romeo spoke

Adopted By NBA YoungBoy 2: A Toxic World{An NBA YoungBoy Story}Where stories live. Discover now