Thirty Six

56 3 1

Mariah Jones🥥

After about 5 minutes of pacing around. I had finally calmed myself down enough to be able to talk to everybody nicely. If I didn't, I would've cussed everybody out about 5 minutes ago with the way I was feeling. I walked up to Lloyd and since his back was turned, I tapped him on the shoulder and he turned around.

"You okay?" He asks

"You guys can stay." I said

"Thank you so much. I promise we won't be no trouble at all baby, I promise." Lloyd says


"Dammit, it's always a but." Irv spoke as he threw his hands up

"I got one thing I want in return." I said with a lil smirk on my face

"What's that? Whatever it is, you got it." Wayne spoke

"You got it girl. You want a lil maid while we there, you got him." Ashanti says before pushing Irv closer to me

"I'm not finna be no fucking maid."

"Well you gonna be in my house so if that's what I ask you to do in my house then you do it." I said

"Oop. You tell him girlfriend." Ashanti says

"Yes ma'am. My apologies, I don't ever wanna come off as disrespectful because that's not what I'm about." Irv spoke

"Good. Now can we go now or what?" I asked

"Let's go!"

I got back on the bus and so did the driver. But just as he was finna pull off, the driver of the hus directly in front of us slams back in brakes and a couple seconds later, Lloyd hops off that bus and comes onto ours.

"I hope you don't mind. But I'm riding in here." Lloyd says as he sat down in between Megan and I

"No problem brother. Glad to have you." E Sudd spoke

"Jesus, I'm-- Aww fuck!" I said before throwing my head back and putting my head back

"What's wrong? You left something?" B asks

"No. I forgot I just told RJae I'd come to that party in New York and my plans with Christopher too. Dammit!" I said

"Don't cancel your plans. Go ahead and do that." Lloyd spoke

"Y'all not staying in my house without me there. So no." I said

"I completely understand." Lloyd chuckled

"How big is this house of yours that we gotta stay in?" E Sudd's friend Al asks

"Big enough." I said while texting RJae

"I mean like... How big is big enough though. Give me a rough size of it. Like a 2-story or something?"

"Well, that's cancelled so onto Chris." I said

"Breezy or Williams?" Lloyd asks

"Williams." I said

"He a pretty cool dude. Remind me of Al B. Sure though." Lloyd says causing me to laugh a little

After cancelling my plans with RJae and Christopher, I just took my phone and put it away in my purse and started yawning like crazy.

"Y'all want that TV on back there?"

"Yeah, and can you turn the lights off please?" B asks


The bus driver clicked a few buttons and turned the lights off before turning the TV on and he gave us the remote.

"I'm going take a nap. I'm beat." I said

"Nooo, come on. Stay up here with us." E Sudd says

"Yeah, you can sleep on my shoulder or something if you want to." Lloyd says

"Yeah, just come lay here. We can cuddle like old times." Amelia says

"Group cuddle session. Let's go." Megan says

"Y'all lesbians or something?" One of E Sudd's other friends asks

"Maybe, maybe not." I shrugged

"Let me get in on some of the action here. I'm just gonna squeeze in right here." Lloyd spoke as he turned his back towards us and laid back

Now the way he was laying made me look at the girls funny because he kinda squeezed the upper half of his body in between my legs and his head was laying on my stomach.

"Mmm." Amelia said as she just looked

"Chiiiiile." Megan says while side eyeing the situation

"Ight, so what we watching?" Lloyd asks

"Ouu ouu, let's watch a cartoon movie." I said

"Let's watch the little mermaid." C Blu says causing us to laugh

"Nigga you fruity as hell." B laughed

"Aye hold on bro, before you put that movie on... Can I ask you some questions Mariah?"

"What?" I said as I turned my head seeing Al sitting at the edge of his seat passing the blunt to Snoopy

"Where you from?"

"Miami." I said

"I'm out here in Miamiii." Amelia said

"Lookin' for the hoochie daddies!!" Megan said

"Where the niggas that get ratchet?!" I blurted out

"My son need a new papi!" We all said before cracking up laughing

"Okay, my fault. Continue." Amelia said

"How old are you?"

"18." I said

"Yo parents finna approve of this shit here?" Al asks as he pointed at how Lloyd was laying

"My da-- My f-- Mmmm." I said

For some reason, I couldn't bring myself to say dad or father. It just hurt me everytime I had to talk about him in last tense like this.

"Earth to Mariah. You there?"

"Okay, why you in my business anyway?" I asked

"Same shit I wanna know." Megan says

"No need to get hostile ladies. I'm just tryna get acquainted."

"Well get acquainted with yourself." I said while rolling my eyes

"Move." I said as I pushed Lloyd up off me

"What I do?" He asks

I went to the back of the bus and sat down in one of these lil pockets. I'm tired of people asking questions about my life. Nigga when I want you to know anything, I'll voluntarily tell you.

"Hey girl.. You alright?" Amelia asks

"I'm fine." I said

"You wanna talk about anything?"

"No, I just wanna go to sleep." I said

"Okay." She nodded

I took a blanket and a pillow and got comfortable in this spot and soon fell off to sleep. I just wanna go the fuck home and seclude myself into my room or something. I'm not finna do this shit here for too long.






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