Thirty Eight

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Mariah Jones🐚{5 days later}

I was currently in Texas on my way to a Dru Hill video shoot. I was honestly super excited. Oh and if you're wondering, yes, those people are still at my house and they have been driving me crazy the last 5 days and I'm so glad to be having a little getaway. But don't worry, Brian and some of the security I had was there watching them. But I did have Enriqué with me.

So, we pull up to the building where they were filming this video and Enriqué and I hopped out the Uber and I saw Dru Hill's manager standing outside on the phone. When he saw me, he pointed for me to go through this door so I did and Enriqué was right behind me. After walking around for a lil bit, I heard a bunch of commotion and stuff, so when I followed the sounds, it led me to an open area where there was a bunch of cameras and stuff set up.

"Hi, I'm looking for Dru Hill. Can you tell me where they may be?" I spoke

"Uhh yeah, they're actually in their dressing room arguing about something."

"Oh... Okay." I said

"Hey, you're that girl Mariah right?"

"Yeah." I spoke

"Is it cool if I get a picture with you really quick?" The guy asks

"Sure!" I said

He pulled out his phone and snapped a couple of selfies with me and went on about his day. I walked down the hallway that the guy pointed me to and found their dressing room. So I knocked on the door and got no response so I waited for like another minute or so then I knocked again.

"What the he-- Oh hey. Come in." Sisqó spoke as he opened the door

"It's okay, you can stand out here." I said to Enriqué

"If I hear anything above a children's reading level, I'm coming in." Enriqué says

"Okay dude, calm down. She's in good hands, I promise." Sisqó says before shutting the door

"Ayeee it's Mariah! What's up girl?" Woody smiled

"Hi." I said

"Nice to see you again." Jazz spoke as we hugged

"Likew-- Oh shit, you guys got french bagels!" I said

"Yeah, you want one?" Sisqó asks as he bit into one

"No, I'm actually on a diet. But these things are so cool." I said

"A diet? Girl you better eat." Nokio says

"Hey ba-- Who's she?"

I turned around and seen some girl standing by the door.

"I'm Mar--"

"I wasn't talking to you. Nokio, who's she?"

"This bitch don't know me Lord." I mumbled to myself

"Who's she?" Enriqué asks

"Who's he?" Nokio asks

"Uhh that's, I'm assuming her boyfriend." Sisqó says in a questioning tone

"No no no, he's my security. I am super single." I said

"That's my friend, she's fine." Nokio spoke up

"I'm not none of your damn friend! I am your girlfriend. Now who the fuck is this bitch?!"

"Lashontae, you gotta chill the fuck out!" Nokio hollered

"And who the fuck you calling a bitch, bitch!?!!" I yelled

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