
78 3 1

Mariah Jones💪🏾

We got up to the group of guys and just stood there waiting for them to move before I spoke.

"Can we get inside?" I said

"Yeah... For a price."

"Man, get out our way please." I said

"Bitch you could go somewhere else."

"Aye folks, who you callin' bitch? We'on do that 'round hea'." Von spoke

Lord knows this boy and his temper, so I just pulled him back by his arm.

"What happened?" Kd asks

"Because ion know who y'all think you playing with." Megan spoke as she put her hair up

"You must be tryna top us off. That's the only reason why a bitch g--"

Before dude could finish his statement, Von started swinging like crazy and every single punch connected to dude face.

"Von, stop!!" I yelled while pulling him off this guy

"Nigga is you stupid?! Ion give a fuck who you is, back up."

"I did not come here to shoot nobody but y'all must be ready to die cuz' I will shoot me a motherfucker today!! Put it up and let us through!" I yelled while aiming my gun back at them

"You got some heart huh? Bitch, that thing ain't even real or if it is, it ain't loaded. Fuck outta here."

"Oh yeah?" I said before shooting dude inna foot


"I told you to put ya' gun up and let us through, nawww you wanna be all tough and shit! Now look at ya' dumbass. What? You want some too? Cuz' I got 15 more bullets G." I spoke before aiming the gun at one of the other guys

"Man, let's just go. It ain't even worth all this shit." Tyler spoke

"Told yo hoe ass don't call shorty no bitch. Don't lemme catch you slippin' nigga." Von spoke before spitting

"The ultimate disrespect." Ten said as he shook his head

"You might wanna take yo homie to get looked at. He bleeding a lot." Kd said

"Not you spitting on him." Amelia says as we walked off

"What we going eat now man?" Kentrell asks

"Chick-Fil-A." Megan says

"Can we go to Ruth's Chris?"

"We could go wherever you want." 3three shrugged

"Period, ayeee!"

"But y'all paying for yo own shit." 3three spoke causing me to laugh hard as fuck

"What's y'all names though? I swear I forgot them bitches." Durk spoke

"Tanya, Carla, Minnie, and Ricki."

"Rickyyyyyy?!!" Kd yelled before laughing

"Kd, I cannot stand you." I laughed

"Shot that mane inna back, that was fucked up. I ain't even gon' like to you." Man Man spoke

"I swear this hoe got different friends every damn day bro." Kd frowned as he shook his head

"Real talk." Kentrell spoke

We just rode off and after like an hour drive, we pulled up to this big ass corporate business looking building.

"Where are we?" I asked while looking out the window

"Downtown. Time for you to meet your big surprise." Durk spoke with a devious smirk on his face

"Oh Lord." I said as I rolled my eyes

"Ahn ahn, just them 3 shorty. Sit yo ass back." Tyler spoke

"What you mean?" Jessica frowned

"This is not yo business to be in, sit the fuck back man!" Von yelled

"Don't fucking yell at me!!!" Jessica screamed at Von

"Dirty ass hoe man. You niggas hurry the fuck up. She gon' make me fuck her up bro!" Von spoke before closing the door

"Lord." I laughed

"When we get in hea' just be cool." Durk spoke

"Okay." I nodded

"And don't get nervous. These mufuckas smell fear." Kentrell says

"So wait, was this the meeting you set up?" I asked Kentrell

"Nah." Kentrell spoke

"You brought yo flash drive?" Durk asks as he entered the elevator

"Like American Express, never leave home without it." I said


"Damn, this bitch got 17 floors?!" I said

"It got 45 actually. We can only go up to the 17th floor from here, then from 17 it's like up to 31 then 31 to 45." Durk spoke

"What the hell? That's a weird set up. Why not just go from 1 to 15, 15 to 30, then 30 to 45 it you gonna separate the shit like that." I said

"Ion know shorty, I ain't set this shit up." Durk chuckled as we got off the elevator

"What floor we going to?" I asked

"18, we finna take the stairs." Durk said


We got up to this floor and was instantly greeted by this Italian or Hispanic dude who looked pissed off.

"Really Durk?"

"My bad man, shorty got hungry and we had to stop, but got in a lil altercation at the spot. But I did take you it might take me a minute to get here." Durk said

"You're right, you did say that. My apologies. You must be Mariah?"

"No Carey." I said while shaking his hand causing him to laugh

"I'm Vinnie, Vinnie Marcolo."

"Nice to meet you Vinnie." I spoke

"So how old are you?"

"18." I spoke while looking around as we walked

"Thank God, uhh so we're just gonna go in here. You can make yourself comfortable wherever there's space and if you wouldn't mind sharing some music with us please." The guy says as he led us into some big ass conference room

When I tell you, it was a gang of motherfuckers in this bitch bro. My anxiety started to kick in hard.

"Calm down." Kentrell whispered as he nudged me a lil bit

"I need some water." I whispered

"Can we get her some water bro?" Durk asks

"Certainly. Spring, sparkling, or Fiji?" Vinnie asks

"Definitely Fiji." I said


I stepped back out into the hallway and tried to take some deep breaths to calm down.

"Here you are. Will that be all?"

"Yes, thanks Vinnie." I spoke while quickly opening the water and downing it

"Want another?" Vinnie asks as he held up another one

"I'll keep it for later. Thanks." I said while tossing the empty bottle into the trash

After a few more seconds, I went back into the room and took a good look around seeing a LOT of different artists. One that really stood out was.... Guess who?







Adopted By NBA YoungBoy 2: A Toxic World{An NBA YoungBoy Story}Where stories live. Discover now