Twenty Five

76 4 1

Mariah Jones🚢

I just sat in my little rolling chair and studied Mario's every feature. Who knows when I'll ever get a chance to be around him again, so I am about to enjoy this while I can honey. Okay!!

"So uhh, what made you wanna get into music?" Mario asks

"Just found something I was talented in and took advantage of it." I said

"That's good. You should definitely take advantage of a mentorship. Maybe your boy YB could mentor you."

"Yeah, nahhh." I said

Little does he know, Kentrell has been kind of a mentor to me on the slick. But he's unknowingly being a mentor to me, so yeah.

"Or maybe a female mentor?" He suggests

"Or maybe a spiritual mentor." I said

"Ahhh, that too." He chuckled

"Say mane, you hungry?" Kentrell asks as he peeked from around the wall

"Thomas is bringing me a milkshake." I said

"But the nigga got burgers, not milkshakes." Kentrell says causing me to face palm myself

"Would you like a tour?" I asked

"Yeah, sure." Mario nodded

I left the studio and took Mario upstairs. When I got in the living room, I saw my security sitting down eating along with Kentrell and the guys.

"Where Durk 'nem go?" I asked

"They moved out this morning." Brian spoke

"Oh yeah, I forgot." I said

"Herb and Von left you some money for letting them stay here. It's on your bed." Enriqué says

"Okay, thanks." I said

"Your milkshake is in the freezer." Thomas says

"Thank you." I spoke

I gave Mario a tour of the house and like everybody else that's been here, he was fascinated with these damn stairs.

"How did you get these?" Mario asks

"They were here when I moved in." I said

"Damn, this is crazy."

"Jacob?" I called

"Yes?" He replied

"When are you dropping that song?" I asked while walking up to the couch

"What song?" He asks

"Sleep with me." I said

"How we go from asking about a song to wanting to fuck?" Kd frowned

"You so damn dumb!" Amelia frowned

"What?" Kd said

"Um, I don't know. I'll probably drop it on my birthday." Jacob shrugged

"That song slaps bruh." I said

"Thank you."

"You're welcome." I said

"Seriously though, talking about dropping songs. When you dropping Hrs and Hrs?" Jacob asks

"Oh God, I'm not dropping that song." I said

"Why not?!" Jacob frowned

"Because I hate it." I said

"You always do that to yourself. You down your talent and I don't understand why." Megan says

Adopted By NBA YoungBoy 2: A Toxic World{An NBA YoungBoy Story}Where stories live. Discover now