35. I Hate You

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Ella's Pov:

When we get home, Daddy gets out of the car and comes around to my side opening the door for me and unbuckling me lifting me out of my seat with ease and setting me down on my feet, he turns and starts to walk towards the door expecting me to follow but I stay stood beside the car, after what happened I feel more clingy then I did this morning, scared something might happen to me or him. I say nothing just stomp my foot hard on the ground beneath me causing him to turn just as he gets to the front door looking back at me and raising his eyebrows.

" I hope that wasn't feet stomping I just heard"

He says sternly.

" Why aren't you walking with me?"
He questions, I say nothing just make grabby hands at him.

" Words little one"

He says simply, but I shake my head no not wanting to talk, he simply shrugs and turns back opening the front door so I just stomp my foot again making him turn around and give me the signature Daddy look, I don't have to describe it we've all had the look before.

" I swear if you don't get your little butt in here and you stomp your foot at me one more time we're going to have problems, little girl"

He says warningly. I don't know what washed over me but suddenly I didn't care, why can't he just understand because of everything that's going on, I feel overwhelmed, scared, and anxious and I don't want to be away from him right now. He watches as I raise my leg to stomp my foot again raising his eyebrows once more as if daring me to do it, and as I was putting my foot down before it even hit the floor I was being thrown over Daddy's shoulder, as he walks into the house and closes the door behind us with his foot, we stood in the entranceway of the house and he put me down on my feet in front of him crossing his arms over his chest still giving me the daddy look.

" Now are you going to tell me what's going on in that pretty little head of yours or are you going to keep being a brat"

He says simply, I say nothing just shake my head no and stomp my foot on the ground once more.

" If I were you I would think very carefully about my next move because right now you have a one-way ticket to getting punished"

He says sternly not leaving any room for argument.

" No"

I huff crossing my arms over my chest, he says nothing just picks me up throwing me over his shoulder again, and I don't even know why I'm acting like this it is like all of a sudden this anger was built up inside of me and I just wanted to scream, I hit his back and try to wiggle out of his grip but it's not much use. I start kicking my legs as well hoping it will help me as he walks into the living room walking towards the couch.

" NO"

I yell hitting him harder and wiggling more.

" You're only making this worse for yourself little girl"

He says dominantly.


I yell still hitting his back, I lift my head a little seeing him nearly at the couch and I do the only thing I can think to do for him to put me down, I lean back down biting down on his shoulder, causing him to throw me down on the couch and hiss out in pain.

" That's it you're getting twenty spanks and corner time"

He says simply, but I cross my arms over my chest breathing heavily still having that anger inside of me it feels like I'm a pot boiling over just letting it all out on him, and shake my head no.

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