Chapter- 6

271 9 2

Ignore the mistakes

Rubbing his eyes and yawning a little, Jungkook woke up when his alarm was yelling at him continuously. It was 7 in the morning. Usually, he didn't wake up before 9 but now he just can't help bcoz of a certain blonde.
After brushing,  he left his room for the first task, which was checking the boy. He almost barge into the room but stopped on the spot when he saw, the open eyes of the blonde. The door behind him shut with a loud voice but the blonde didn't flinch.

Taehyung was still on the bed, sheet covering his whole body except his face, his duo eyes were scanning the room n Jungkook. Jungkook took steps toward him, saying in his deep husky voice, "Stand up boy n take a bath, otherwise I'll get late". Taehyung looked at him when he sat at the edge of the bed making eye contact with Taehyung. The blonde blinked twice before looking at the glass window.

Jungkook huffed in frustration, he knew, it would happen. Taehyung wasn't getting his word and how could he. His memory is blocked, he didn't know what is bath, what is late, and also no one was there in control room to make him understand what Jungkook was saying. They would allow Taehyung to obey their command, only when he would fight with enemies, otherwise, Taehyung would be totally blank, with no memories, and no emotions. If Jungkook wanted to help Taehyung or help himself right now, he'd to taught Taehyung first and Jungkook knew it would take some days or weeks. He'd taught Taehyyng just enough activities like walking, brushing, bathing, eating, drinking and some others. Jungkook knew he had to treat Taehyung just like a kid atleast for the couple of days but his anger and irritation was a big problem n according to Jungkook he can never control his anger.

After waiting for almost 5 mins Jungkook stood up and held Taehyung's hand. The poor boy just looked at him with blank eyes. Jungkook forcefully made Taehyung stand and almost dragged him into the bathroom who stumbled many times.

"So now, you got luxury life, you have to do nothing, just stand there n I'll brush your teeth"- Jungkook was now pissed. It was all driving him crazy. "After many years of training, here I'm doing shit"- Jungkook shout with annoyance but there was no emotion on Taehyung's face.

Taehyung eyes were just focused on the brunette's move. Jungkook started brushing his teeth while cursing -"Fuck, I hate this, I fucking hate all the shit that I've to do for you now". Confusion was in his voice, was he angry with this boy, or with his uncle?

Once Jungkook was finished he scanned the bathroom again. But his eyes got big when they stopped on the bathrobe, hanging in a corner. "Shit.........I won't do that, I'll never do that"- Jungkook said looking at the boy in front of him n then at a bathrobe. "Listen, you little, I don't fucking care if you know how to take a bath or not, I won't do that, just go do whatever you want"- Jungkook walk out of the bathroom after yelling at the blonde face who just responded with a blank face.

10 mins have passed like that but there was no sound of running water or any kind of voice. After taking a long deep breath n calming himself Jungkook opened the bathroom door. The blonde was still on the same spot where he left him, he didn't even move an inch. Jungkook grabbed his wrist and dragged him outside the bathroom and almost threw him on the bed.


"Sir he is going boss's house"

"What, Mr. Choi's house"- Namjoon stood in shock when a man informed him that Doctor was on the way of Mr. Choi's mansion. "Keep an eye on him, I'm coming"-Namjoon replied and cut the phone without any further talk. "This doctor wants to die"- Namjoon said in a frustrated tone. The doctor was really something, he just can't understand. What is the point now going Mr. Choi's house?


Without any thoughts except for his blonde patient, Seokjin was running his car at full speed. As a doctor, he should check on his patients n that's all he was doing.
Seokjin's hand on the wheel stopped with a sudden break n his body jerked further when a car stopped in front of his car. He was shocked n his breath was fast while his heart was beating in his ears. After sensing the situation, he cursed in slow n got off from the car. "You have a problem with your eyes, do you want to die?"- he shouted while taking steps toward the other's car. "Move your car, I'm getting late"- he again shouted now standing between both cars.

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