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Silence, that was what they could hear. No one was talking, both had bottles of soju in their hands, eyes were roaming, trying to understand the shine of the moon. It was always a question of magic how the sun spread rays and brightens the world while the moon barely shows any rays but is still able to give chilling brightness to the world.

“What is Mr. Choi gonna do with him”- the silence was broken by Jimin's voice. "Do you really think it’s good to use him for this project, for our needs? What if Choi’s enemy harms him?”- Jimin asked with a blank face he was not worried about that male who was laying unconscious in their Mercedes AMG, why would he have to be worried? It was not like they know each other or they were friends. He just wanted a proper answer from Jungkook who was ignoring his questions from the very start.

Jungkook closed his eyes in annoyance n took a deep breath. He was so done with his short friend who was born to be stubborn, why Jimin is like that, can’t he shut his mouth for god sake just for five minutes- Jungkook mentally scolded Jimin and opened his eyes after sighing nth time.
"Mr. Choi wants someone to be a part of his project, he wants to defeat his enemies n I think u must know that for this we have to kidnap someone cuz no one will come to us telling us that they would like to give a try to this project." - Jungkook said imitating the tone of Jimin who glared him in return.
"For God's sake Jimin, stops bombarding me with questions, I don't understand how Yoongi hyung is comfortable going on a mission with you," Jungkook said rolling his eyes when Jimin burst out.
"It's all because of love,"- Jimin said with a wink that got unnoticed by Jungkook.

Jimin and Jungkook were gangsters working for Mr. Choi. Both are best friends and crime partners. Jungkook was the number one member of Mr. Choi while Jimin was the second u can say. Mr. Choi was the gang boss, living in Seoul. No one can stand against him and his power. Everyone had heard his name but no one had seen him. He was good at hiding his face behind a good mask. His all mission touched success because of certain members of his gang who were good at everything.

Jungkook looked behind n a smile appeared on his face "Mr. Choi will be so happy after seeing him." he said n looked at Jimin for a response who agreed. "You respect Mr. Choi most",-said short male. Jimin's voice made Jungkook to move his head with a hmm. "Who doesn't, I don't want to disappoint him". Jungkook's voice was heard by Jimin who raised his eyebrows in response.
"No one wants to disappoint him," Jimin said with a pout, he knew where was jungkook signaling. "Omo,  omooo that's why last time you n Yoongi hyung got scolded by Mr. Choi",-Jungkook said laughing ignoring the angry face of Jimin. "That was not our mistake, the man we kidnapped was a bitch n I hope his all clothes get burned n yesss Mr. overconfident bunny everyone can do mistakes after all we are human,"- Jimin said in a slightly yelling tone. "But I never did any mistake n will never do."-Jungkook said proudly tapping own shoulder. "You think you are an angel?" Jimin asked not believing his friend's attitude. "No I'm not,"-Jungkook said controlling his laugh.

"I agree you rarely make a mistake but no one knows about the future and what if you make mistakes in the future," Jimin said with a blank face looking at his friend. "I won't Jimin ssi, keep this in your little brain."- Jungkook was confident.
"Let's see",- Jimin said. Both looked at the sky n then at the moon's reflection in the river. Everything is silent but at the same time screaming and cheering for their success. They really want to see Mr. Choi's victory after all, according to them he was a savior. Jungkook was more serious than anyone, cuz he didn't want to disappoint Mr. Choi.

"The boy we kidnapped is beautiful,"- Jimin started talking but got cut by Jungkook- "Men are handsome, not beautiful."

Yes, men are handsome but Taehyung was handsome as well as beautiful who got kidnapped by those two gangsters. Taehyung was a street dancer with a perfect body and angelic face. Living in Seoul was not his dream but he followed his dreams which leads him to Seoul city. He didn't own a king-size house but it was not tough for him if he could see his dreams coming true from there. A living n naughty soul was living inside him, he was carrying a caring heart but when someone try to harm him he forgets everything n started showing his street fighter sight. He was not a murderer like Jungkook, Jimin other gang members but he didn't let someone control n harm him.
But today, here he was laying unconscious in  gangster's car.

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