Chapter- 20

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Ignore the mistakes..

For the last two hours, he was there, on the couch, staring at the sleeping blonde, waiting for him to wake up. If it was another person he might have slapped him and dragged him down. But the doctor knew he couldn't do it. The truth was he didn't want to.
"You still are not done"- the dominating voice filled the room. Seokjin exhaustedly looked at Jungkook who was leaning at the door frame, whole weight on one leg while the other tapped the floor inaudibly.
"Tell me"- Seokjin murmured, just enough for Jungkook to listen. The brunette sighed before taking a seat next to doctor. "What do you want to listen"-Jungkook couldn't remember when he talked normally with the doctor.
Seokjin wiped away tears, but brunette noticed it. He rested his head on his hand, took a deep breath and said,-"What did you guys do to him". Jungkook looked at him puzzled. It wasn't new for the doctor he knew what they did. It was a different thing that he was not aware of their reason but still, he knew, maybe more than he should.

"Don't you know"- Jungkook said but the next word didn't come out when Seokjin screamed,-"He didn't open his eyes yesterday. He is still the same. Tell me Jeon Jungkook how far you went this time". He grabbed gangster's collar and tears rolled down his cheeks. Jungkook watched him silently, trying to read his face, trying to find a reason for doctor to be concerned for the blonde. He was aware of Taehyung unconsciousness. He knew he had badly fucked up this time.

Sob, another sob, and a weight fell on Jungkook. Seokjin was crying, for blonde, in front of Jungkook. Was it right?
The brunette didn't push Seokjin allowing him to cry in his arm. He wanted to say, wanted to ask, wanted to leave but it seemed like he was stuck under ice, freezing, unable to move, unable to talk.

When Seokjin had cried enough, he sat there but kept his eyes closed, preventing more tears from rolling down, "Please, spare his life"- a plead and hope in his voice. "You all are crossing limits with each passing day. It frightens me"- he looked into Jungkook's eyes,-"It's been more than five months. I know you didn't stop giving him shock, what if........ What if he...he lost his memory what if....."

Seokjin stopped, his gaze not leaving Jungkook. Making his way toward blonde when he didn't get any word in return he spoke again,-"I can't wait more than the next 72 hours".

"You don't have to worry about him'- Jungkook trying to stop him from doing something.


"You. Should. Have. Think. About. It. Before. Fucking. With. Everything"- Seokjin shut Jungkook and left the room. Jungkook saw tears in Seokjin's eyes, but was he ready to accept his fault, was it his fault, didn't he just follow an order?


Seokjin was almost running when Namjoon started calling his name. He didn't want to see any of them, but the tall man was stubborn, and kept calling him until he blocked his way.

"Can we talk"- Namjoon asked politely. "I don't have time"-Seokjin failed tried but Namjoon dragged him to his car and he let him. The car ran at high speed.

Seokjin was not feeling safe and how could he, last time he was with Namjoon, the man almost killed him. Distancing a little more he asked,-"Where are we going. I said I don't have time".
Namjoon didn't bother to answer and kept his focus on the road.

The car stopped in front of L.Y.Soul Cafe. "Let's go"- Namjoon said and both got out of the car. The bell dinged indicating their presence. A man rushed to them. Namjoon said something to him before holding Seokjin's hand, leading him to the empty table in the corner. The doctor looked around with confused eyes but none was noticing them.

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