Chapter- 34

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Ignore the mistakes

Concern was less suitable to describe his feeling and situation right now. The fear behind his red swollen eyes, the fear which he surely was trying to hide behind his unemotional face was just for a certain blonde. What if something happened to Taehyung, what if Mr. Choi harmed him. As always it was his fault that's what Jungkook was thinking when the car stopped forcing his body to jerked before he sat normally.

Normal, right now, the word were far from his shadow. He was definitely not normal at that moment. How could someone behave normal just after finding out that their father had been killed by a man whom they had helped for so long and gave all his trust. He was way to far to be normal. However, just for him, just for Taehyung, he will deal with everything. It was not just his want, it was his need.


When did the blonde became his need. So this is how love feels like, a combination of fear, need, tears, and blood. Oh god, how much he love Taehyung. And how badly he wanted to stab a knife in Mr. Choi throat.

Jungkook steps was measuring floor in same way as Namjoon, fast and rapid. They had reached the factory just a while ago. The brunette was eager to squeeze Mr. Choi neck until his last breath beg him to stop but Namjoon was against it. The tall man said they need to be prepared before taking any step against their boss. Who knows if Mr. Choi had already planned things and would end up killing everyone. They need to be careful.

Namjoon and brunette turned when a laugh was heard which made Jungkook blood boil. He wouldn't be reacting like that after hearing same laugh for years. But tonight it was piercing his ears, ripping his heart, and increasing his anger. The laugh which he always wanted to hear after completing every mission, the familiar laugh was belongs to the evil of his life, Mr. Choi, and Jungkook was hating it.

They both entered the room, which was like seven layers beneath. So there they were, Jimin, yoongi, Hoseok with Taehyung who were standing in one side of the room while S. Lewis was in centre, both arms chained, hair mess, fingerprint on his neck and cheek, like someone had slapped him hard.

Mr. Choi was not so far from his target, standing behind S. Lewis he eyed Namjoon and Jungkook while both just remain glued on their spot. Namjoon was still holding Jungkook hand while the brunette eyes never left Taehyung since when he entered.

"Where is she"- a chain swang before it came in contact with S. Lewis's back. Mr. Choi was not showing any mercy, neither for god sake nor huminity. Jungkook saw how badly Taehyung flinched before hiding a little to much behind Jimin. The blonde looked at Jungkook and mouthened something, that brunette got it immediately.


Brunette breathing mirrored Taehyung situation, shaky and rough. Yes, they both wanted to go home, they were each other's home.

"You bastard, tell me where the fuck she is"- the loud sound of metal when Mr. Choi hit S.Lewis which was enough to turned Jungkook toward them. Normally, the brunette, who had been blind due to his uncle love, the old him would have ran to Mr. Choi  and hit S. Lewis. But at that moment everything felt wrong, his presence there, him not able to do anything to his father's killer, the fear in blonde eyes, grunt and muffled voice of S Lewis, everything was wrong. He was wrong for years, running behind a person who was turning his peaceful life into hell. A man who turned him into monster.

All thoughts were hitting him, making him feel dizzy. His grip on Namjoon arm tightened when a painful yet mocking voice was heard. "You........Your lustful eyes .......will never.....see my wife."- as soon as S. Lewis completed his sentence Mr. Choi held his jaw, forcing him to look at him. They both were burning in revenge but the lust in Mr. Choi eyes were now visible to everyone. Was his uncle always like that and he never noticed.

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