Chapter- 35

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Ignore the mistakes

Without any will, his tired bloated eyes were fixed at the same house where all the secrets were hidden. He was numb yet aware of his surroundings. The weight of the sleeping blonde on his chest was his support, letting him know that someone was there with him. Yes, he needed someone around him, just someone's presence was enough.
Blinking tiredly Jungkook dirty hand cares Taehyung fluffy hair. He wanted to smile at Taehyung's innocence but couldn't. Sometimes smiles are linked with tears more than lips and giggles. Like muscle memory, his hand kept caressing the blonde's hair and cheek. The touch was smooth, careful, and soft like someone was collecting the first dew drop from the petal. Like a hideous creature of the night was risking his life to see the first glimpse of sunlight. Exactly same, Jungkook was admiring the beauty and innocence of the blonde with fear that he would destroy it or it would destroy him.

His gaze sometimes lingered on the closed door behind which the woman, Mina, might be praying for her husband's safety or the death of her brother. His husband's life was Namjoon and Yoongi's responsibility but Jungkook knew only he had the right to kill Mr. Choi. Yes, he would take revenge, he would fulfill all the promises that he had made sitting next to his father's grave. All those years he had respected Mr. Choi most but his love and respect for his father were irreplaceable.

The slight move of the blonde darted his focus back to him. Slowly his eyes softened when the blonde sat rubbing his eyes and face. Taehyung looked at him before grabbing the water bottle and drinking enough liters due to his slow action. The brunette never decided to look at the door again until he got out of the car and opened the door for a blonde who followed his direction when they both made their way toward the S. Lewis house, once again.

Pressing the bell he waited while letting his fingers lock with Taehyung's fingers. Normally he would have barged in without any invitation and greetings but things were different for the last few days. It had been two days since he had left this house with blood boiling and a dangerous threat in his brain.

After a couple of more minutes waiting a tall man opened the door. Looking at him Jungkook could say he was a bodyguard, covered with a full suit, tie, and shoes in the early morning. Without any word the brunette entered but stopped when a tall man blocked his way and inquired,-"Who are you?"- his eyebrows raised in a warning before said,-"You are not allowed". The tall was about to grab Jungkook hand when the familiar feminine voice stopped him,-"Let them come, Lee".

Leaving the bodyguard behind Jungkook followed the voice, still holding Taehyung's hand, his only broken support. The woman entered the same room where they were gathered when everything was revealed. She sat on the sofa gesturing for them to join her.

"I need your help"- as soon as they were settled Jungkook blurted out looking directly into her questionable eyes. "Why"- she asked quietly and slowly like she was scared. "I will kill him, today"- the brunette filled his lungs with oxygen before saying it.
"You can do it without my help"- Mina was right, he didn't need her help. But the tired blink of Jungkook was a plead, maybe he was not what and how he was looking right now.
"You are the only one who can wake his hidden sleepy monster. I know I'm asking you to jump into the same dark world that you had left long ago but I want him to accept all his crimes"- how childish he was feeling while saying it.
"I'm not sure if I should trust you. Tell me Jeon Jungkook what would you do if that man killed my husband and me"- the woman had all right to ask. But the uneasiness Jungkook was feeling with each question was not hidden. He gulped visibly and almost whispered,-"I have lost right to ask people to trust me, but I promise before any harm to you and your husband, Mr. Choi has to take my life"- a glimpse of confidence radiated with his last sentence.

The lady in front of him tensed, was she worried for him, or she was afraid of death? Without any words, she stood up and walked toward the bookshelf near the window and bed. After taking a book with an Italian title she sat again where she was and asked the brunette turning the pages continuously,-"And what if he kills you"

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