Chapter 1

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It was around 3 in the morning, Spencer just got off the subway, heading back to his apartment. The team just finished a case in New Orleans, stalker gone serial killer because the girl he liked started dating another man. It took 3 days to find the unsub and 2 days to catch him. In total it's been a week since Spencer got any real sleep so he was glad to be back in D.C. to get some rest in his own bed

He was reading a book as he came to a stop waiting to be allowed to cross the road when a girl walked next to him on her phone. It looked like she was texting someone, she had brown curly hair that fell down to her mid back, tan skin, around 5'7, she had these chocolate doe brown eyes and pink lips. He could also see some acne scaring on her cheeks but thought that only added to her beauty 

Before he can say anything, the light turned white letting them know they can cross, the woman walks first but just as her feet hit the pavement Spencer quickly grabbed her arm pulling her to his chest "Watch out!" he called holding her as a car zoomed by right where the woman had been standing 

The woman stumbled into him, her phone and gym bag falling to the ground as she lets out a little yelp, hiding her face in Spencer chest, "Are you okay?" Spencer asked softly making the woman look up. 

Her breath got caught in her throat looking at the man that saved her. His hair fell in his light brown eyes, his pale skin going perfectly with his brown hair. She had to look up a little seeing he is 6-1 "Are you okay?" Spencer asked again making her nod her head "Yeah. Thanks to you" she said with a small laugh getting out of Spencer hold, missing the warmth already

"Here" Spencer holds out her phone and gym bag "Thank you" She smiled grabbing them "I'm Harmony" Spencer shakes her hand after a moment "Spencer"

"So what are you doing out here so late Spencer? Not that I'm complaining, you just saved my life" Spencer laughs a little licking his lips "Just finished working a case at work. Heading home. You?"

"I stayed late to practice" she holds up her bag "I'm a figure skater and I have a competition in a couple of days"

Spencer nods seeing the light turn white letting them know they can cross now. Looking  both ways Spencer leads both of them safely to the other side "Uh...I know we just met and all but can I....Can I get you number?" Spencer asked nervously. Harmony smiled pulling out a pen and her notepad she keeps in her bag to make notes on new skills "Here" she writes her number down before ripping it out and handing it to him 

"Hope to see you again Spencer" she smiled at him once more before taking a left and leaving Spencer alone. He looked at the paper a smile lighting up his face "You too" he whispers stuffing the paper in his pocket and walking the rest of the way home 

Author Note!

I decided to change this story. There are so many Spencer dancing stories that I wanted to change it so I decided to do a Figure skater one. I never seen one done and I wanted to but I didn't want to keep the Spencer dancer one up so I switched it. Hope you like! 

XOXO Kayla

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