Chapter 6

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It was the end of the day and Garcia was in her office thinking about Spencer. If Hotch was smiling that means he isn't on drugs again but it doesn't make sense on why he's acting different. She can do two things, look through Spencer phone records and see if she finds anything or let it go and hope he tells her

Sighing she turns on her computer ready to find out what Spencer was hiding when JJ knocked on her door "Hey JJ" Garcia turns slightly towards her, most of the team tries to keep her away from anything Spencer related it's starting to so bad they might have to talk to Will "What do you need?"

"I was wondering if you know what's going on with Spencer?" JJ leaned against the door staring at her friend "Hmm, nope. Why do you ask?" Garcia was playing dumb, not that JJ knew. Deciding since Garcia didn't know- or so she thought- JJ was going to play her, putting on a worry look she walks into the room 

"I'm worried about him. He's dressing differently and pulling away from us. He wouldn't even text me back last night....I was hoping you could try and find anything you can on Spencer and see what is going on with him" 

Garcia eyes grew hard, while she was going to look into Spencer it was because she was worried about her friend, she can tell JJ wanted her to look into Spencer so she can use it to her advantage. Knowing JJ wouldn't leave her alone she decided to agree but not do anything "Sure, I'm worried about him too" JJ smiled thinking she fooled Garcia "Great, text me if you find anything" 

When Garcia was sure JJ left to her own office, she quickly ran out hoping Spencer is still in the building


Lucky for her, Spencer just finished packing up his bag when Garcia ran in "Spencer Reid!" She called out stopping him and the others in the room, everyone could see she was worried and that worry revolve around one Dr. Spencer Reid. Garcia quickly reached him, grabbed his hand and pulled him up to Hotch office "We need to talk" Garcia pushed open the door making Hotch look up 

Closing the door and blinds she pushes Spencer into one seat before turning to Hotch "JJ has crossed a line!" she told him crossing her arms over her chest making Spencer and Hotch sit up "What happened, Garcia?" Hotch asked setting his pen down giving her his full attention "She came into my office, telling me she was worried about Spencer and wanted me to look into him to see if anything was wrong. But I could see it in her eyes, she wants to use whatever I find against him, maybe blackmail" 

Hotch and Spencer share a look, this is why he kept Harmony a secret because he knew JJ would try something like this "What did you do?" Spencer asked, Garcia looked at him "I told her I would look so she could leave. I came straight here after she left" Spencer gave a sigh of relief glad Harmony is still safe from JJ

"Spencer....Look I would never go behind your back but I am worried. Now I know it's not drugs, but I'm worried about what's going on with you"

Hotch gives Spencer a look letting him know it's completely up to him if we wants Garcia to know. Spence looked at Garcia seeing the genuinely worry look in her eyes "I have a girlfriend of a couple of weeks" he told her 

Garcia looked at Spencer than Hotch and back at Spencer before sitting down in the seat next to him "Girlfriend?" she whispers looking at Spence, "Yes her name is Harmony and she's a figure skater....If you want she has a competition on Sunday. Hotch is coming with me, you can join us so you can meet her" Spencer suggested, he knew if he didn't she would do a background check on her 

Garcia nodded and stood up ready to leave but Spencer stopped her "Wait" Garcia looked at him sitting back down "You can't do a background check on Harmony. She and her friend Amanda ran away from New Orleans when they were sixteen. A cop helped them move to New York because Harmony foster family was abusing her, Amanda did a background check on Harmony for fun and they used that to track them down. Harmony called the cop and he helped them move here, where they've stayed since they were 17 so please....If you do a check on Harmony it might lead them straight to them"

Garcia and Hotch look at Spencer shocked, especially Hotch since he didn't know this but they both agreed no background Check on Harmony they don't want their friend girlfriend getting taken away from him "We won't Spencer. Don't worry" Hotch calmed him down "Why don't you guys head home, it's been a long day. Garcia don't let JJ know you aren't doing a check, let her think you are looking into Spencer wait a few days and then tell her nothing came up" 

"Got it boss" Garcia and Spencer waved bye and headed out, the other agents looked their way but knew not to say anything when JJ walked in just as Spencer shoulder his bag "Hey Spence" she greeted him with a smile, Garcia sneaked off with out JJ noticing "Hey JJ" he said pressing the button for the elevator 

"I was wondering if you wanted to grab some food? I'm starving" JJ suggested leaning closer to him, but he moved into the elevator pressing the button for the ground floor "Can't have plans" before JJ can say anything the door closed leaving her standing in front of them mad as Spencer leaned against the wall heaving a high of relief 


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