Chapter 15

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Skates on ice could be heard from the doors of the rink "Good job Harmony! Make sure to keep your leg straight!" Barba yelled, Spencer, Garcia, Aaron, Derek, Emily, Will, Henry, Jack and Rossi walk up to the ice, they were going out to dinner with Harmony, Josh, Ethan and Amanda. Since Harmony and Josh had practice today, they decided to meet the four here after work 

"Josh make sure to you slow down when you lift" The team walked up just in time to see Josh lift Harmony over his head, holding her with one hand as she let's her legs open in a 90 degree angle 

"Josh make sure to you slow down when you lift" The team walked up just in time to see Josh lift Harmony over his head, holding her with one hand as she let's her legs open in a 90 degree angle 

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"Hold!" Josh spins in a circle three times "Down!" Harmony gracefully gets down before Harmony lefts her left leg behind her pulling it straight up

"Hold!" Josh spins in a circle three times "Down!" Harmony gracefully gets down before Harmony lefts her left leg behind her pulling it straight up

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"Alright!" Harmony let's go of her leg and slows down "That's enough for today, your friends are waiting for you" 

The two turn to see Spencer, his team beside JJ, Amanda, Will, Henry, Jack and Ethan waiting for the two of them "Bye Barbra!" Josh yells and the two skate off the ice, their partners handing them their blade covers 

"Hey Honey" Harmony steps off the ice kissing Spencer quickly before walking over to her bag while Josh kisses Ethan. The two were in black tights with Harmony wearing a long sleeve green body suit and Josh was wearing a black long sleeve shirt 

"That was amazing guys" Emily smiled at the two as they change into their sneakers "How are you so freaking good at that!" she asked changing the word last minute when Aaron and Will glared at her. Harmony laughs as Spencer takes her bag "Both my parents were skaters. It's in my blood" she shrugs 

"I've been skating since I was 10" Josh told them standing next to Ethan "Come on, let's go before we're late" The large group of 13 make their way out towards the parking lot ready to eat after a long day of work and practice 


Harmony was sitting in the living room wrapping her leg when Spencer came in with a cup of hot chocolate "You know you could have told us before we went to dinner" he told him girlfriend setting the cup in front of her and sitting next to her "We could have wrapped them up before" he looked at the dark bruise on Harmony right leg 

Harmony looked up at her boyfriend "I know but it didn't bother me then" she shrugged blowing some hair out of her face "Let me" Spencer got on one knee and took the wrap from her, he could tell how painful it was for Harmony and he didn't want her doing it herself "I know getting hurt is part of your job but it doesn't mean I have to like it" Spencer said making Harmony sigh 

"I know you don't, but just like your job, I get hurt as well" 

They have had this talk a couple of time when Harmony came home after practice bruised up and when Spencer comes home after a case with new injury's. Neither like the fact the other gets hurt but they can't tell the other to quiet. Harmony life is skating and Spencer life is saving people. It's just the way they are

"I know" Spencer kissed her now wrapped leg before sitting next to her again grabbing her cup and handing it to her "Since I'm free this weekend how about we start shopping decoration's" Spencer suggested looking around their bare apartment. Christmas was a month away and they still haven't set up anything "I think that sounds perfect" Harmony snuggled into Spencer's arm soaking up his warmth 

She grabbed the remote on the arm of the sofa and turned on the TV before looking through to find a movie, Spencer looks down at her with a smile 

He couldn't believe this beautiful girl right here is his. He loves everything about her, her curly hair that is now at her shoulder blades, her brown eyes that have a halo of gold around them when the light hits just right, the acne scars on her cheeks that she doesn't even bother to hide with makeup unless on ice 

She's perfect

"What?" Harmony asked when she looked up to see Spencer staring at her "Why are you looking at me like that?" Spencer shrugged "No reason, just thinking how lucky I got with you" Harmony giggled a little making Spencer smile brighten "I love you" 

"I love you too" 


JJ sat in her living room. It's been a week since Will left and took Henry and she just got an email from a lawyer that Will is going for full custody of Henry. Nobody is answering her text and even at work Spencer keeps dodging her with the help of the team 

She sat on her laptop trying to find a good lawyer to make sure Will doesn't have Henry at all, he was her kid. Plus if she had Henry, she could use him to get closer to Spencer, he really does love his godson and she knows that when she mentions she's struggling with Henry alone, Spencer will drop everything and rush over 

"He will be mine" she muttered looking at a photo of Spencer she took when no one was looking. He was going to be her's no matter what, no matter who stood in the way. Harmony won't stand in the way of her getting what was her's   


Short I know! But the next chapter will the longer and filled with more drama! 

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