Chapter 4

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Spencer, Derek and Emily walk out the elevator. The former two have been giving him looks since they saw him, he know this would happen but he's okay with it. He does look nice and comfortable in the clothes he's wearing 

When Derek said Hotch was in a bad mood Spencer didn't think he would mean, they can hear Hotch yelling as soon as they stepped off the elevator "Who is Hotch yelling at?" he asked setting his things on his desk. JJ goes to answer when she sees what he's wearing and bits her lip "Woah" Garcia and Rossi turn around, ready to say something to JJ when they also see Reid 

"What?" he asked looking at them, he guesses they are staring because of the clothes "Nothing it's just....Your dressed different" Garcia said sharing a look with Derek. JJ keeps staring at Spencer making him shift uncomfortably

"Yeah uh.....I didn't go home yesterday so I didn't have any clean work clothes where I was staying and only had my weekend clothes. Needed to wear something to work" 

"Hold on, you didn't go home?" Rossi asked. Derek shook his head "We went to Pretty boy apartment but he didn't answer, we called to find out he wasn't there" The five of them looked at Spencer expecting him to tell them where he was at but he shrugged grabbing a file to start working  

Emily and Derek look at Garcia and Rossi who shrug "Hey, who dropped you off?" Emily asked. Spencer looked up "A friend" he told them before going to get coffee. Once he was out of ear shot Emily turned to Derek "Come on, you can't tell me you didn't notice how he thought about his answer before saying anything"

Derek looked at Emily then pointed at JJ who was still staring at Spencer even though he left "I think he's allowed to have privacy. Especially given someone having something with him" he whispers. Emily looks at JJ then Spencer before nodding in agreement 

If JJ keeps making Spencer uncomfortable they will have to talk to Hotch and maybe Will, though none of them want that. Especially Spencer, he doesn't want Will and JJ to fight because of him 


Spencer smiled at the message Harmony sent telling him to have a good day. He couldn't help but love these little things Harmony does for him. They learned so much about each other and noticed they have a lot in common like their hatred for hospitals, they're love for books but the things Spencer loves the most is how much of a bitch Harmony is in the morning if doesn't get enough sleep the night before

He finds it funny getting her angry because she looks so cute when she glares at him. She texted him before she had to go into work for her costume check. He asked how she was feeling since she was still a little hurt this morning, she told him she's okay to skate but might take more breaks in between

"Hey Spence" JJ greeted as she filled her mug with coffee "So, where did you stay last night if you weren't at home?"

Spencer cleared his throat putting away his phone as he moved a little away from JJ who was close enough that their arms were touching "Just at my friends" he told her not looking at he grabbed his mug. He didn't want to stay in the same room as her for long 

"Who's this friend of yours?" She tries to keep the jealously out of her voice but Spencer picks it up immediately "Just someone I met a few weeks ago" he quickly grabbed his coffee and went back to his desk


Spencer spent the day as usual. He finished his paperwork, drank coffee like it was water and bickered with Morgan. In between all of that he texted Harmony who was at the rink practicing.

It was almost time to go home and the last thing he had to do was give Garcia some paperwork that needed to be digitized. He didn't notice the worried glances from Derek or Emily suspicions looks, or even Hotch brief glances when he saw Spencer smiling at his phone and his clothing

"Hey Garcia, just dropping these off" Spencer motioned to the manila folders in his hands smiling at the blond

"Thanks honey" She grabbed the folders and stopped Spencer before he could leave. "Hey, we're going out to eat, do you want to come?" Spencer hesitated. Harmony was at the rink but he wanted to take her out on a surprise date if she was up for it

"I can't. I'm meeting a friend for dinner"

"What friend?" Garcia asked suspiciously

"A new one"


Harmony stayed late again. Josh and Ethan left a few hours ago since they had plans but Harmony really wanted to land this triple axial. She's has been trying to land it for hours on end but she just couldn't

Taking a deep breath she closes her eyes remembering the words her parents told her when she was a little kid before they died 'It's okay to fall. Fall how many times you need too. But make sure you get back up and show them how a Matthew fights'

Opening her eyes she released her breath and started skating around the rink, before gaining enough speed, she jumped into the air, turning once. Twice. Three times. Just like before. She lands on her right leg and wobbles a bit but keeps standing.

She quickly comes to a stop staring ahead as she breathes hard "I did it" she whispers before laughing "I did it! I did it! I did it!" she yells quickly skating to the end of the rink, putting on her protective covers on her skates and rushing over to her phone to call Spencer

Spencer was in the elevator with the rest of the team ready to head home for the day when his phone started ringing. Pulling it out, he sees Harmony calling "Hey-"

"Spencer! Spencer guess what happened?" Harmony cuts him off. He can hear the excitement in her voice making him laugh

"Did Josh finally ask Ethan to marry him? Or did Amanda come into town?" Spencer could see everyone looking at him but he ignored them in favor of listening to his girl 

"No, but Amanda is coming into town this weekend. But I landed the triple axial! I actually landed the triple axial!" Harmony squeals  

"Hey, I am so proud of you. I told you, you could do it" Spencer laughed as the doors opened, he walked out with the team behind him. They all shared looks, who was Josh, Ethan and Amanda? JJ stared jealously burning in her hearing another girls name coming from Spencer mouth 

"How about, we meet up at yours and celebrate" Spencer suggested. This way it would be easier to get Harmony on the date he planned 

"Sounds like fun! Do you want me to pick you up, or are you going to take the subway?" Harmony asked changing her skates for her sneakers 

"I will be taking the subway. See you soon"


They both hung up, Harmony heading to the parking lot, and Spencer heading to the subway. The team stopped and stared at he walked away "What just happened?" Garcia asked no one in particular "No Idea" Derek told her  

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