Chapter 10

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Driving down the dark road, Spencer lays his hand on Harmony thigh as she fixes her makeup "You look beautiful baby, no need to stress" Spencer said eyes going from the road to his girl

Rossi said it was fancy casual, Spencer decided for black slakes, a dark green button up with his black converse. Harmony decided for a dark green knee length cocktail dress, her hair out in her natural curls and natural makeup with dark red lips

"I'm just nervous, I didn't really get to talk with your teammates before we left" Harmony told him closing the visor. Spencer hums looking at her "Everything will be okay. They will love you. Aaron and Garcia already does" Spencer kissed her lightly before getting out the car


Walking around to the passenger side, he opens the door helping her out the car, her black heels hitting the ground as they walk up to the door

"Everything will be okay" Spencer told her knocking on the door, after a couple of seconds the door open showing Rossi who was wearing black slakes like Spencer but a white button down "Come in"

The walk in, Rossi shaking Harmony hand "David Rossi, you can call me Dave. We didn't get to talk before you left" Harmony smiled at the man following him to the kitchen "Yeah, sorry about that. It's nice to meet you, I've heard great things from Spence, Penny and Aaron"

As Harmony was talking to Dave she didn't notice a pair of eyes staring at her in disbelief. Will was looking at one of the girls he thought of as his sister, the one who was there for him, the one who ran away to safety


Harmony freezes at the sound of her name. That accent is unmistakable, turning around she sees the face of her big brother. The one who protected her and Amanda from the bullies


Will smiles hearing the nickname only his father, Amanda and her were allowed to call him

"It is you" Will said rushing forward to hug her. Wrapping his arms around her waist he spins them around making Harmony laugh. Once he set her down Will stepped back to look her over

"God, I missed you and Amanda so much. How have you two been?" Harmony smiled softly at her older brother "Good, I'm on the D.C elite skating team and Amanda is a big time photographer"

Will smiled glad both his sisters followed their dreams "What are you doing here, anyways?" He suddenly asked remembering this dinner was for the team "Right! Billy let me introduce you to my boyfriend although you might already know him since your here"

Harmony turned around to see Spencer and his team looking at the two confused. Harmony wrapped her arms around Spencer waist smiling up at him. Will looked between the two with narrowed eyes

"Spence, I'm guessing you already know Billy" Spencer nodded smiling at Will "Well, I guess you don't know is that Billy is also mine and Amanda older brother"

"What!" Spencer and the team asked. The former paling by the second as Will eyes him "Remember how I told you three" she looked at her boyfriend, Aaron and Penny "Amanda and I left with the help of a cop?"

"Yeah, you said the cop was practically family to the two of you" Aaron said remembering her words from a month ago "Right, well the cop that helped us was William LaMontagne senior. Billy's dad. Now a year before we left Amanda and I would always go to Billy's house after school"

Will smiled fondly at the memories with the two girls "They were always causing trouble" he said with a laugh before looking at his sister and Spencer "So, how did you two meet?"

Penny laughs from her spot near Aaron "Oh he isn't gonna love this" Aaron tries not to laugh as he drink his bourbon as Harmony shots her friends a look "Uh... I saved Harmony from getting hit by a car" Spencer told him


"I know. I know. I do not need another lecture, I got that from Amanda already" Will laughs softly knowing Amanda lectures are the worst "As long as you're safe" Will kissed her forehead in a brotherly way

"Come on, let me introduce you to the rest of my team" Spencer pulled her towards the team "You already know Penny and Aaron" the team shared looks at the names Spencer used "You just met Rossi and these are Derek Morgan, Emily Prentiss and Jennifer Jareau"

Harmony waved and shook hands with Derek and Emily but Spencer made sure to keep her away from Jennifer

"Nice to meet you, Spence, Aaron, Penny and Jake told me a lot about you guys" Harmony said looking at Derek, Emily and Dave 

"Well, how about we start cooking. Harmony do you-"

"No" Aaron, Penny, Spence and Will yelled starting the team and making Harmony huff "I'm not that bad of a cook" Aaron looked at his young teammate girlfriend "Harmony last time you tried to cook, you almost burnt down the kitchen"

Harmony crossed her arms looking away from him with a pout. Spencer laugh and kiss her softly making her smile "Fine, I'll help cut the veggies up"

Dave nodded and handed her a knife


Everyone was sitting at the table eating. Harmony and Spencer sitting next to each other with Penelope and Aaron on the left of Harmony. Will and Jennifer, sitting in front of the couple

"So, Harmony what is that you do?" Emily asked from the right of Will

"I'm a figure skater for the D.C elite" Penny looked at her friend with a proud smile "Tell them" she nudged her friend "Tell us what?" Will asked looking between his sister and friend

"Uh... my partner Josh and I are going to the Olympics for the duo skaters and I will be going for the single skaters" Harmony told them with a blush

"Harm, that's amazing!" Will exclaimed proud of his sister. He knew how hard she and Amanda worked to get to their dreams and he knows his father would be proud as well, seeing the girls he thought of as his own becoming everything they wanted

"When is the Olympics?"

"8 months away. Josh and I are working ever Monday, Wednesday and Friday for our duet while I'm working every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday for my solo"

"Are you going to add your triple axle?" Spencer asked his girlfriend smiling down at her

"I'm hoping too"

Jennifer watched all of this with jealousy burning in her eyes. Not only did little miss perfect steal her Spencer away from her, but she also knows her husband. She has Hotch and Garcia wrapped around her finger and by the looks of it the rest of the team

Now she finds out she's a big skater and is going to the Olympics in 8 months. She needs to find a way to get this girl out of their lives and fast

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